Interference of my trades with those of the signal provider


I noticed that when I had a trade opened by me (at least on the same asset), the copy of trades from the supplier signal to my account generated some differences (some values were more positive or negative than they should be)

I wonder:

1) Does this problem also happen if the operation opened by me is in an asset different from the asset that the signal provider is operating?

2) Is it possible to hire 2 signals at the same time? If so, do they also cause these differences in the value of operations?



Please post only in English on this part of the forums. Use the automatic translation tool if needed. Use simple language structure when using mechanical translation. (2013)

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No, there is no such thing as intereference of your own trades with those of the signal you are copying, except from the fact that when you open more trades in your account, you decrease your free margin and you are increasing the risk in your account.

The differences you see in your signal copied trades, is called slippage and has to do with the fact that different brokers have different prices.

Finally, it's not possible to copy more than 1 signals with 1 trading account.

Write in English in this part of the forum or post in the Portuguese forum.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

No, there is no such thing as intereference of your own trades with those of the signal you are copying, except from the fact that when you open more trades in your account, you decrease your free margin and you are increasing the risk in your account.

The differences you see in your signal copied trades, is called slippage and has to do with the fact that different brokers have different prices.

Finally, it's not possible to copy more than 1 signals with 1 trading account.

Write in English in this part of the forum or post in the Portuguese forum.

Thank you for help! Ill do that