mt5 time

why i have deferent time? windovs vs androind? on windovs are 21.00h android are 20.00h. and deferente price? 
Gregor Papež: why i have deferent time? windovs vs androind? on windovs are 21.00h android are 20.00h. and deferente price? 

Are you sure you are using the same trading account on both devices? Same account number, broker, etc.

yes. i done that. but now i have on android 17.00 and windovs 21.03. buth the price are the same :) 
Gregor Papež #: yes. i done that. but now i have on android 17.00 and windovs 21.03. buth the price are the same :) 

Not possible to have different trade server times. Something must be off.

Please show screenshots of both devices at same time (approximately), that show this difference you claim. Include the device time as well in the screenshots.

ok. im sory. i make two trade. and tame are the same now. tnx for your help. and for fast respond :) 
Gregor Papež #: yes. i done that. but now i have on android 17.00 and windovs 21.03. buth the price are the same :) 
Also please make sure you are not misreading or misunderstand the time legend markings due to different Chart scaling on the two devices.
Gregor Papež #: ok. im sory. i make two trade. and tame are the same now. tnx for your help. and for fast respond :) 

NO! I did not ask you to make trades!

Just do screenshots of the charts showing the time offset you are talking about!

Gregor Papež #: ok. im sory. i make two trade. and tame are the same now. tnx for your help. and for fast respond :) 

An why two trades? Why not just one? If you are using the same account then a single trade would appear on both devices.


one whit android and one whit windovs. 

i try to to screenshot ... i need time :)
Gregor Papež #:one whit android and one whit windovs. 
Why? If you are using the same account then a single trade would appear on both devices.