Experts: Angry Bird (Scalping) - page 13

Abdullah Al Main:
Will try
i use it on my real account 1047 usd  loose now 13 usd remaining in 5 days

Well, I'm new to it all. I've read, back-tested and forward-tested on demos. In my opinion there are several constraints and settings needed to make it work with only 5k USD in the account. First the starting lot-size = 0.04, and multiplier 1.2, and maxtrades=6. Hence, the profit is not that big but also the risk!

Moreover, I set glubina (the number of candels checked before opening a deal to 3 or even 1. In fact, when checking more candels the probability of opening in the right direction is not greater while checking less just enters earlier and "martingail" the position till it gets in profit. But, if there are bigger movements in pips in a short time you reach the max trades and must hope NOT to reach sl or stop out... Here having more distanced  deals might help (def pips?).

Anybody have some ideas how to impose that successive deals in the same direction are done after price change greater than x pips. I think default pips helps but not in a direct way. 

 All in all it's a simple and good EA to learn about mql4. Great job Mr Ilan!


Well, I found also the very interesting ilan dynamic 1.6 HT for MT5 with documentation on the forum. I believe it's a port from ilan 1.6 (previous ilan 1.5) for MT4. It would be very interesting to add some kind of hedging also to the ea for MT4. I'm testing it with all possible parameters and it's quite interesting. To check a kind of disaggregated pseudo-hedging I'm running it on to different chart of the same pair (EURUSD) and in one I inverted the logic for buy /sell. In a few days I'll know if I've blown the demo account and let you know (if you are interested).

Here what I changed: 


if (iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 1) < RsiMaximum ) {


        } else {

            if (iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 1) > RsiMinimum ) {


Ilan please, say something ;)

nice work :)


I stumbled upon this EA from another forum.

Has anyone managed to achieve positive returns trading on a live account consistently?



I stumbled upon this EA from another forum.

Has anyone managed to achieve positive returns trading on a live account consistently?

I'm testing it on a real account. it seems to be good. small income but constant.
does anyone know how to insert a stop loss inside this ea?
does anyone know how to insert a stop loss inside this ea?

in fact it has already a stop loss that works pretty well. It works on the total of trades in one direction. That is the SL is valid for all the trades together. I use it with 650 points SL, quite dangerous if you start with more than a microlot (0.01) and have the EA trigger more than, say, 4-5 trades.   
Kamal Awad:
nice work :)

thanks. However I often intervene manually and, by changing the TF, force some trades. 

I also:

-‌ reactivated dynamic pips

- deactivated some lines that are triggering a "close-all" with a condition including iCCI that I did not understand. 

‌both at the beginnning...

int start()


if (DynamicPips)  {

     double hival=High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Glubina,1)];    // calculate highest and lowest price from last bar to 21 bars (glubina) ago

     double loval=Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Glubina,1)];       // chart used for symbol and time period

     PipStep=NormalizeDouble((hival-loval)/DEL/Point,0);         // calculate pips for spread between orders

     if (PipStep<DefaultPips/DEL) PipStep = NormalizeDouble(DefaultPips/DEL,0);

     if (PipStep>DefaultPips*DEL) PipStep = NormalizeDouble(DefaultPips*DEL,0);    // if dynamic pips fail, assign pips extreme value

   } else PipStep = DefaultPips;

   //double filtr_MA = iMA(NULL,60,60,0,0,0,0);


   double PrevCl;

   double CurrCl;

   if (UseTrailingStop) TrailingAlls(TrailStart, TrailStop, AveragePrice);

/*   if ((iCCI(NULL,15,55,0,0)>Drop && ShortTrade)||(iCCI(NULL,15,55,0,0)<(-Drop) && LongTrade)) {


         Print("Closed All due to trades & Drop-relation to CCI");

