List of developers



It's been a few years since I last used the mql5 website.

In the past I could easily find a list of developers to choose from; there job count, profiles and reviews. I no longer see that on the site.

Can somebody perhaps send me a link to the list of developers.


I do not know about any list of the developers.
I am also using Freelance service (because I am not a coder), and I order a freelance job for the coders which I know in person or which I know by activity on this forum (who is very active here on the forum) as a personal job.
And I do not need any list of coders because of that.
bbm24: It's been a few years since I last used the mql5 website. In the past I could easily find a list of developers to choose from; there job count, profiles and reviews. I no longer see that on the site. Can somebody perhaps send me a link to the list of developers.

That was in the "good old days"!

Since then, MetaQuotes has implemented a "double blind" situation for Freelance jobs, where one does not know who the customer or who the developer is until the customer selects a developer from the ones that have applied for a job. Until that selection is made, no one is identifiable and it is against the rules to identify one's self in any way or form.

So, unless you already know someone you can request a personal job from, you will have to follow this "double blind" system.