Making an ".ex?" file is called compiling. It converts text source code "*.mq?" into machine language for executing on a computer. It has nothing to do with "hiding". You will be left with both files. You don't have to share source code with anyone you do not wish to.
If you are planing to sell your EA, Script or Indicator as a Market product, then you only upload the ".ex?" file, not the "*.mq?" file.
Making an ".ex?" file is called compiling. It converts text source code "*.mq?" into machine language for executing on a computer. It has nothing to do with "hiding". You will be left with both files. You don't have to share source code with anyone you do not wish to.
If you are planing to sell your EA, Script or Indicator as a Market product, then you only upload the ".ex?" file, not the "*.mq?" file.
Thanks a lot for your explanation. I didn't know an ex file was automatically created with every mq file compiled. Cheers.

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I did a search before creating this topic and the thread I found only explained how to hide an EA source code by converting it to an ex5 file. However, I have tried during this for my script but it doesn't work. Does this mean that scripts must be shared or am I missing something?
I attached a picture of the available forms of storing a script.