Meta tester 5 Agent Manager - page 2


Does anyone know what's new in 
Metatester 5 agents manager build 3470 AVX, or any link where to see it?

not to be confused with 
MetaTrader 5 beta build 3470. please

Fernando Solich #: Does anyone know what's new in Metatester 5 agents manager build 3470 AVX, or any link where to see it? not to be confused with MetaTrader 5 beta build 3470. please

They are both the same "beta" build. Just one is specific for AVX processor instructions and the other is not. Also ...

"7. MetaTester: Increased sensitivity of the testing speed switch in visual mode." — MetaTrader 5 platform beta build 3470: Task manager enhancements and new matrix and vector methods in MQL5

MetaTrader 5 platform beta build 3470: Task manager enhancements and new matrix and vector methods in MQL5
MetaTrader 5 platform beta build 3470: Task manager enhancements and new matrix and vector methods in MQL5
  • 2022.10.14
The beta version of the updated MetaTrader 5 platform will be released on Friday, October 14, 2022...

I noticed that some of my machines are running the AVX build, but others are not.

They all support AVX. is there anyway to force the installation of the AVX build?

There seems to be zero info about this "new" build.

Emerson Gomes #: I noticed that some of my machines are running the AVX build, but others are not. They all support AVX. is there anyway to force the installation of the AVX build? There seems to be zero info about this "new" build.

Copy the files from one of the other AVX machines.

You will find a lot of info about the AVX builds on the Russian forum. Unfortunately, here on the English forum there is very little about it.


Hello Happy New Year! I would like to tell you that I have not yet been able to find a reputable broker, although I must say that I did not have the time to devote to it and I do not know how to do it either. I have been selling computing power since October and I have not gotten more than 7.22 dollars, which is really frustrating since the computers work 24/7 only for this task and I thought at least 15 dollars a day. I thought this would change over time but it's still the same, I even thought about buying a Ryzen 9 5950X + 32Gb of ram and m.2 disk which the ryzen 5 4650 already has with 16gb of fury beast ram. Could you help me find a reputable broker to sell my computing power? Should I buy equipment with more computing power, for example Ryzen 9 5950X? I am really frustrated and sad, I was not thinking of becoming a millionaire with this but a source of income of a few dollars since in my country they are scarce.

I attach images of my equipment and almost derisory payments.

I hope you can help me, thank you very much.

mql.jpg  368 kb
mql2.jpg  425 kb

PC configuration Ryzen 5 4650g 16GB ram Fury best 3733 Mhz, Ssd M.2 Corsair Configuration Pc Intel i5 7600k 32Gb 2600Mhz Corsair Vengeance SSd 240gb Kingston s400. They are only the 2 teams with the most resources.

Fernando Solich #: Hello Happy New Year! I would like to tell you that I have not yet been able to find a reputable broker, although I must say that I did not have the time to devote to it and I do not know how to do it either. I have been selling computing power since October and I have not gotten more than 7.22 dollars, which is really frustrating since the computers work 24/7 only for this task and I thought at least 15 dollars a day. I thought this would change over time but it's still the same, I even thought about buying a Ryzen 9 5950X + 32Gb of ram and m.2 disk which the ryzen 5 4650 already has with 16gb of fury beast ram. Could you help me find a reputable broker to sell my computing power? Should I buy equipment with more computing power, for example Ryzen 9 5950X? I am really frustrated and sad, I was not thinking of becoming a millionaire with this but a source of income of a few dollars since in my country they are scarce.

Selling your computer power has nothing to do with brokers! Brokers are for trading. They are for opening a real trading account and trading with your invested capital. They have nothing to do with selling your cloud computing resources.

As for making a lot of money with your cloud computing sales, forget about it. Even if you had a more powerful computer, you would not earn much more. It will never pay back your initial investment anytime soon. It does not even pay for the electricity you are using, unless you get your energy from a free source.

As for finding a reputable broker for trading purposes, you should first learn to trade with a demo account. Only after you have been successful at paper trading (demo), can you then consider opening up a real account.

Also, it is against forum policy to recommend or discuss brokers. You will have to do your own research.


To whom it may concern, would you like to contact me or give me a contact who manages or knows about the topic of Supplier Agents (Meta tester 5 Agents Manager), it turns out that in my account I have multiple PCs with a PR of approximately 190, 21 agents working 24/7 with a The count of tasks completed is 481925, it has been more than 1 year and the earnings are only 63.55 USD. Kindly and respectfully, could someone explain to me why?

mql5_cloud.jpg  150 kb

That looks about right to me for the hardware you're using.  For most people on average PCs, selling computing power to the MQL5 Cloud Network won't even cover the cost of electricity to keep your computer on.  For example, let's say your computer idles down to 50 watts at the wall (you can use a Kill-A-Watt meter to measure your real world figures).  50w * 24h = 1.2kWh/day.  1.2kWh * 30d = 36kWh/mo.  Let's say you're paying $0.16/kWh for your electricity (look at your latest electric bill, and divide the total bill by the "kWh used" figure to find out your real-world cost).  36kWh * $0.16 = $5.76/mo extra on your electric bill just to have the computer powered on—assuming your computer was idle the entire time.  That figure goes up as your PC spends time working, which uses even more electricity (oftentimes by 3-15 times as much, depending on your hardware).  But if your computer is going to be on 24/7 anyway (and/or you have a cheap/renewable source of power), then the something that you get back is better than nothing.  Looking at your latest screenshot, your i5-7600K system made $13.86 in 11 months (or $1.26/mo).  As you can see, that doesn't cover the cost of electricity—even if you halved your electric rate to $0.08/kWh and halved the consumption of your PC to 25w at the wall idle (which comes out to $1.44/mo baseline added to your electric bill, for an average monthly return of $1.26).

Fernando Solich #:

These are my computers with their data according to the MQL5 cloud.

Fernando Solich #:

I have connected a new PC to the local network, but it does not give me options to change the port. They are the same as the other PC, how can I change them?

Looks like you've got some minor issues—the MetaTester agent numbers should be consecutive, starting from 1.  In attachment 3.jpg, it's showing a MetaTester 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.  This should be showing MetaTester 1-6.  Not sure that this would affect your earnings or performance however; it's just weird and indicative of some unusual factor at play.  The way you would fix this is the same way you would change ports: Select them all, click Uninstall, reboot your PC, and reopen that page.  The [Add] button should now be available, and it will install the new agents using the port range you specify when you click it.  If there are no preexisting agents when you start this process, they should all start consecutively from 1.  That said, you don't need to use unique port numbers unless you're port-forwarding a local network farm and your router doesn't support port number translation; the port numbers are of no consequence for use in the public MQL5 Cloud Network as your router's NAT will assign random return port numbers for all outgoing connections.