Remove the grid and the volumes on the graph in the EA initialization

hello dear developers,
I am looking for the code that can help me to remove the grid and the volumes on the graph during the initialization
thank you
nissijim: I am looking for the code that can help me to remove the grid and the volumes on the graph during the initialization


Sets the integer value (datetime, int, color, bool or char) for a corresponding property of the specified chart


Returns the integer value property of the specified chart


Display grid in the chart



Display volume in the chart


merci, mais ca ne marche pas vraiment 
nissijim #: thanks, but it doesn't really work

Please right in English. This is the English forum.

It does work. You are doing something wrong.

Your code is "broken", so show your code if you need assistance.


no its good now thank you 

and this is my code 

ChartSetInteger(0,CHART_SHOW_GRID,false); // false to remove grid
 ChartSetInteger(0,CHART_SHOW_VOLUMES,false); // false to remove volume