My signal provider moved to a random account

My signal provider moved to a random account when i subscribed to another signal provider on a different account, when i tried to move it back says " you can only move it once a week" but i didn't changed the accounts in the first place

I just want it back on the account that i subscribed to it!!

What should i do??

You probably did that by mistake, you need to wait for a week now in order to move it to the correct trading account again.

It certainly didn't happen by itself.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

You probably did that by mistake, you need to wait for a week now in order to move it to the correct trading account again.

It certainly didn't happen by itself.

i m 100% sure that i didn't moved it myself, it worked for 10 min (i got a trade on my account) than moved by itself to a random number, is not even an account

i made a ticket with the desk help, and i hope they can help me

i just want the signal provider back on the account that i buyed it for

foxu23 #:
i m 100% sure that i didn't moved it myself, it worked for 10 min (i got a trade on my account) than moved by itself to a random number, is not even an account

i made a ticket with the desk help, and i hope they can help me

i just want the signal provider back on the account that i buyed it for

If you are sure that this is the case, only the Service Desk can help you.

foxu23 #:
i m 100% sure that i didn't moved it myself, it worked for 10 min (i got a trade on my account) than moved by itself to a random number, is not even an account

i made a ticket with the desk help, and i hope they can help me

i just want the signal provider back on the account that i buyed it for

Maybe someone have access to your mql account- change your password here and to e-mail you are register on here if you are sure you didn't make changes.