Why am I asked for investor password when creating private signal?


Hello MQL5 community,

I am a newjoiner and would like to ask, what is investor password asked by MQL5 when creating private signal?

Is it my trading account password ? Is it safe to share trading account password for this purpose?

Thank you.

eprw: I am a newjoiner and would like to ask, what is investor password asked by MQL5 when creating private signal? Is it my trading account password ? Is it safe to share trading account password for this purpose?

The investor password is a special password for "guests" that only allows them to view your trades but not be able to trade on your account.

It is provided to you initially by the broker when you create the account and you can can change it on MetaTrader's server settings (or with your broker).

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The trading platform provides multiple settings to help you conveniently customize it. Click " Options" in the Tools menu or press...

The master password gives someone full control over your trading account.

The investor password gives read only / monitoring privileges, so that is safer.


Also, the very image you have attached, shows you what to do. Did you read it? Did you follow the link it provides?


The investor password is a safe way to share your trading results (open positions, trade history etc.) in real-time. MQL5 website requires it when you create a signal because it's the easiest way for the website to monitor your current and past trades in real-time. Even if the signal is private, the website still needs a way to see your past and current trades.

Sharing it is safe, in the sense that someone having your investor password won't be able to affect your trades or account.
However, it's also kind of unsafe, because anyone who has your investor password can copy your trades in real-time for free (as long as you keep the investor password the same)

Fernando Carreiro #:

Also, the very image you have attached, shows you what to do. Did you read it? Did you follow the link it provides?

Hi Fernando thanks so much for your explanation. Can I ask one more question what is login field and what value should I put there? Please see attachment.
Capture1.JPG  10 kb
Alexandru Casian #:

The investor password is a safe way to share your trading results (open positions, trade history etc.) in real-time. MQL5 website requires it when you create a signal because it's the easiest way for the website to monitor your current and past trades in real-time. Even if the signal is private, the website still needs a way to see your past and current trades.

Sharing it is safe, in the sense that someone having your investor password won't be able to affect your trades or account.
However, it's also kind of unsafe, because anyone who has your investor password can copy your trades in real-time for free (as long as you keep the investor password the same)

well noted thank you
Eleni Anna Branou #:

The master password gives someone full control over your trading account.

The investor password gives read only / monitoring privileges, so that is safer.

well noted thank you
eprw #: Hi Fernando thanks so much for your explanation. Can I ask one more question what is login field and what value should I put there? Please see attachment.

The trading account number. The same as when you fill in your account details in MetaTrader ...

It's safe. In case that someday you want to have a copy trade signal, so your followers need to know what you are doing.