Can I sell/buy a product royalty?


Can an account buy/sell a product royalty to/from another account? 

this means seller will give complete rights of product to new account and product will delete from seller account and will added to buyer account. 


That's a really interesting question, for which I have no idea.

I will ask admins about it, but my guess is that a product cannot be moved from one MQL5 account to another officially.

The seller of it will have to remove it and the buyer of the source code will need to publish it as his/her own from the beginning.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

That's a really interesting question, for which I have no idea.

I will ask admins about it, but my guess is that a product cannot be moved from one MQL5 account to another officially.

The seller of it will have to remove it and the buyer of the source code will need to publish it as his/her own from the beginning.

Yes, it is easy way to do but if MQL supports this transfer will be much more suitable and secure!

As buyer can claim kind of abuse if seller sells same code twice!

I know a code can be done in many ways but at least a most famous and more trusted Royalty Sellers will be identified in next steps! I think this can be a new service from MQL.  


Admins just answered me that:

"Definitely there is no way to move a product from one account to another. Also removing it from one account and republishing from another one is not a good option as well, since clients of the old vendor will be left with no further support/updates (as technically it will be a new product)."

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Admins just answered me that:

"Definitely there is no way to move a product from one account to another. Also removing it from one account and republishing from another one is not a good option as well, since clients of the old vendor will be left with no further support/updates (as technically it will be a new product)."

thanks your response. 

As I see, it is not forbidden from MQl just old customers can not be supported for new versions. 

What I am planning to pass to another account is last update of product and no more updates  will be needed.

Nevertheless, if MQL would work on such an option, it is very good opportunity for people who are very good at marketing but lack of developing skills.

More over, the issue they mentioned (old customers abandoned in shadow :) ) will not happen any more because MQL can transfer all royalty including customers to new account. (just an idea)