Can the time be calculated? I want to write a EA. The ticket close t after 100 seconds

<Decompiled code deleted>

But the result was wrong


But the result was wrong

Do not post decompiled code again.

Next time you may be banned from the forum.


Ask the real owner of the source code to give it to you or have him fix it for you.

Decompiled code is stolen code. Either you are a thief, a fence, or the receiver of stolen (intellectual) property. Either way, we will not be an accomplice after the fact to that theft.

See also
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          How can I recognize a decompiled code ? - General - MQL5 programming forum - Page 2 #17 (2017)
          134317 - MQL4 programming forum (2011)

If you post decompiled code again, you will likely be banned.

Don't tell us you found it on the 'net: if someone stole your bank details and uploaded them on to the internet, is it OK for everyone to use them because “someone uploaded it, I don't know why I can't use that?”

Hey, look into CDateTime, it creates a Timestruct when you feed a datetime to it.
Then you can access seconds, minutes, hours, days etc as integers and it has an increment/decrement function, say I want a Time that is a hundred seconds from now, so you use the method  secondsInc(100) aso.