MT5 in OSX: How to add indicators?


Downloaded the .dmg file for MT5. 

Previously, on MT4 (I'm new to MT5) to add indicators:

Finder>Applications>MT4>Show Package contents>drive_c>Program Files(x86)>Find your broker listed>MQL4>indicators.   

It's quite a few steps but actually fairly straightforward and similar to dropping indicators in MT4 on Linux. 

However, on MT5, at least this one installed using .dmg there are innumerable more branches. I went through them all and eventually found indicators folder and dropped an indicator (ex5) but on restarting MT5 it is not showing. 

Am I doing something wrong? or is there another way to install indicators in MT5? indeed, experts and scripts too, apply. 

Perhaps, installing MT5 via .dmg with Crossover is not even the best way to go? 

Appreciate any guidance on this, please?