Does anyone know how this happened? - page 2


What was the spread at the time the order was executed?

I've had many trades taken on the spread alone. There are volatility periods where it can expand significantly, and often only for a moment, but that's enough to trigger the order.

You need to know the typical, and extreme spreads that your broker offers for the pairs you trade. My broker, OandA offer a tool that shows you the spread history, so you can assess spread over time.

Hope it helps.


Dominik Christian Egert #:
It's not about if they can do it, it's about are they allowed to do it in such a way, they are not held accountable to such action.

Depending on the regulations a broker must comply, you have the ability to get documents proofing the trade you took.

Like in the US, a broker must be able to provide all relevant transactions on their behalf.

In the EU, they are required to ensure correct order execution and need to proof this to the Regulator.

There are big brokers out there, having multiple registrations with different countries. Some of them even offer trading on very loose regulated accounts...

And if you have a DealingDesk broker or account, it is very possible, they manipulate your data stream and do this despite the fact, they comply to their regulators obligation.
Yes, but at first I don't want accuse Metaqoutes to providing this tool to brokers. I "LIKE" to think that the broker exploited a bug. I contacted several brokers and asked them about limit orders being opened at a worse price and the price not reaching the level at which the position was opened. They insisted that it is impossible. One of them even recognized my question as so beginner that he invited me to learn the basics of the market before starting trading:)
Robert Gerald Wood #:

What was the spread at the time the order was executed?

I've had many trades taken on the spread alone. There are volatility periods where it can expand significantly, and often only for a moment, but that's enough to trigger the order.

You need to know the typical, and extreme spreads that your broker offers for the pairs you trade. My broker, OandA offer a tool that shows you the spread history, so you can assess spread over time.

Hope it helps.


The spread should not apply in this case because it was a sell_limit triggered. That would be at Bid and the chart is Bid prices.

Keith Watford #:

The spread should not apply in this case because it was a sell_limit triggered. That would be at Bid and the chart is Bid prices.

Correct. But the ask price which position closed at it, was about 110 points (11 pips) upper than ask price in market watch -based on tick history-

It is the spread. Check it.

You should also change chart properties in a way that Bid & Ask lines are displayed for it happening never again.

Hello  vahid63, Can you send the transaction record like open and closed time detail?
Icham Aidibe #:

It is the spread. Check it.

You should also change chart properties in a way that Bid & Ask lines are displayed for it happening never again.

Ask and bid lines, always displayed on my charts. Sell positions don't need to know the speard when they open. Mt5 has a tick history that traders can check in all prices histories, both ask and bid
Lim Kah Keing #:
Hello  vahid63, Can you send the transaction record like open and closed time detail?
After I suspected manipulation of my account, I placed more than one hundred limit orders with a volume of 0.01 just to be sure, and none of them opened at the correct price.
ticket.jpg  62 kb
vahid63 #: After I suspected manipulation of my account, I placed more than one hundred orders with a volume of 0.01 just to be sure, and none of them opened at the correct price.

I don't think it is manipulation. Many brokers, transform the Pending Orders into Market Orders when they are triggered, and they suffer slippage which is normal. This is a common practice and it is not manipulation or any shady behaviour.

A few brokers however do offer that the pending orders be satisfied at the requested price and not at market price. However, I have not come across such a broker yet in my own experience, but they do exist from what I have read in other forum threads, but I suspect that they operate as Dealing Desks and not as STP or ECN.

Fernando Carreiro #:

I don't think it is manipulation. Many brokers, transform the Pending Orders into Market Orders when they are triggered, and they suffer slippage which is normal. This is a common practice and it is not manipulation or any shady behaviour.

A few brokers however do offer that the pending orders be satisfied at the requested price and not at market price. However, I have not come across such a broker yet in my own experience, but they do exist from what I have read in other forum threads, but I suspect that they operate as Dealing Desks and not as STP or ECN.

My account is ECN. Even if this is the case, it is still not a reason to open an order at a price that the market price has not reached to it. If we wanted our limit orders to be opened at a worse price, then why would we use limit orders? We used stop orders or market orders. In addition, this problem exists at all hours. All my limit orders were opening without problems until one night these problems started. So far, only one broker has opened limit orders with market orders.(The broker discussed in this topic)