Does anyone know how this happened?


I placed a sell limit order in my real account. But position opened at a level that chart didn't reach to it. Is it possible? 
usdjpy.png  18 kb

I placed a sell limit order in my real account. But position opened at a level that chart didn't reach to it. Is it possible? 

Ask your broker.

Why are you querying it now? The trade was over a month ago.


I placed a sell limit order in my real account. But position opened at a level that chart didn't reach to it. Is it possible? 

There seemed to be a large fluctuation at that time as seen on this M1 chart

If you chart the times and prices,on wider timeframes, it looks like those prices could have been hit although not clearly visible - here is M15

Keith Watford #:

Ask your broker.

Why are you querying it now? The trade was over a month ago.

i asked my broker and their answer has confused me. i share chart here to see if anyone come up with an answer that I match with Brooker's answer.
R4tna C #:

There seemed to be a large fluctuation at that time as seen on this M1 chart

If you chart the times and prices,on wider timeframes, it looks like those prices could have been hit although not clearly visible - here is M15

yes. but when a position opens, market price must reach to the level which position opened at it. 

vahid63 #:

R4tna C #:

There seemed to be a large fluctuation at that time as seen on this M1 chart

If you chart the times and prices,on wider timeframes, it looks like those prices could have been hit although not clearly visible - here is M15

yes. but when a pisition opens, market price must reach to the level that position opened at it. 

When you quote somebody's post, please do not reply inside the quote box. It looks like you have just quoted another post and not replied and your post is likely to be deleted.

I will edit your post this time.

vahid63 #:
i asked my broker and their answer has confused me. i share chart here to see if anyone come up with an answer that I match with Brooker's answer.

What did they say?

Keith Watford #:

What did they say?

they said: we get prices from several liquidity providers and prices that shown at market watch may differ whit prices that positions opened at that times:)). i sure they lie. no even one position, but dozens of positions had this problem and i share one of them
Obviously a suspicious broker.
If you think that the broker is new or small, you are wrong. They are massive and veteran. But more importantly: if they were able to do this work, it means that they had the tools. If they can, then any other broker can. I tried to contact metaqoats and warn them about this, but I could not find a way to contact them.
It's not about if they can do it, it's about are they allowed to do it in such a way, they are not held accountable to such action.

Depending on the regulations a broker must comply, you have the ability to get documents proofing the trade you took.

Like in the US, a broker must be able to provide all relevant transactions on their behalf.

In the EU, they are required to ensure correct order execution and need to proof this to the Regulator.

There are big brokers out there, having multiple registrations with different countries. Some of them even offer trading on very loose regulated accounts...

And if you have a DealingDesk broker or account, it is very possible, they manipulate your data stream and do this despite the fact, they comply to their regulators obligation.