Do you believe in Robot? - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

Market products are compiled code, so your source code is not accessible. Also, the product only works on the machine it was downloaded on when a valid purchase/activation is carried out. It will not run on different machines.

You are not allowed to mention or link to your product on this forum, but you can link to your product on any external site you wish. It is even encouraged that you advertise your product on other websites, just not on this forum.

Thanks Fernando, so if someone buy my product the cose is not accessible ok. But about spam rules it is not clear, 

In the official market regulation in the sellers section II, point 16 says :

"The Seller shall not use spam to promote Products on the Market both on website and via third-party services. Upon detection of spam, the Seller's account will be blocked and all his or her Products will be removed from the Market"

So, ok that i cant spam link on mql forum. But the rest? what does it means "via third-party service"? For expamle: If im in a group on Facebook, or comment a Youtube video with my link product at market is ok or not? You said me yes i can. Sorry its not clear for me, want be sure not being banned for a bullsh** :D Thanks!

Discover new MetaTrader 5 opportunities with MQL5 community and services
Discover new MetaTrader 5 opportunities with MQL5 community and services
  • 2022.07.24
MQL5: language of trade strategies built-in the MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform, allows writing your own trading robots, technical indicators, scripts and libraries of functions
Hansen #:

Wow this is I agree too, it's about the equity. Because with lower equity/balance it's impossible to get higher revenue. Maybe some robot sellers need higher equity for trading, that's why they sell their robots.

Exactly. This is it.

Dario Capasso #:

Thanks Fernando, so if someone buy my product the cose is not accessible ok. But about spam rules it is not clear, 

In the official market regulation in the sellers section II, point 16 says :

"The Seller shall not use spam to promote Products on the Market both on website and via third-party services. Upon detection of spam, the Seller's account will be blocked and all his or her Products will be removed from the Market"

So, ok that i cant spam link on mql forum. But the rest? what does it means "via third-party service"? For expamle: If im in a group on Facebook, or comment a Youtube video with my link product at market is ok or not? You said me yes i can. Sorry its not clear for me, want be sure not being banned for a bullsh** :D Thanks!

There is a difference between advertising and spamming. Do you not know the difference?

Spamming is unsolicited mail ou messages. If a Facebook group has allowed for advertising, then you can advertise there once and no more. If the group has not allowed advertising, then don't.

Comments on YouTube are not for advertising. That is spamming. Those comments are for discussing the content of that YouTube video, and not for adverts. Just like the forum here.

No matter the website, don't spam. Don't post or send unsolicited message. Only advertise where adverts are permitted and only do it once.

If you have your own website, or your own social media, then you can mention your products there as you wish, but not on comments or posts on other peoples websites or social media. Only on your own.

Fernando Carreiro #:

There is a difference between advertising and spamming. Do you not know the difference?

Spamming is unsolicited mail ou messages. If a Facebook group has allowed for advertising, then you can advertise there once and no more. If the group has not allowed advertising, then don't.

Comments on YouTube are not for advertising. That is spamming. Those comments are for discussing the content of that YouTube video, and not for adverts. Just like the forum here.

No matter the website, don't spam. Don't post or send unsolicited message. Only advertise where adverts are permitted and only do it once.

If you have your own website, or your own social media, then you can mention your products there as you wish, but not on comments or posts on other peoples websites or social media. Only on your own.

Ah ok, now i get it. Thanks :D

Most are trash for sure 
Jan4654 #:
Most are trash for sure 
That's why I believe myself and my method than the robot.. Hehe

Hi guys, 

Why do some people sell their robots? Generally, if the robot is the solution to earn money, it won't be easy for them to sell it.

Why a Doctor cant cure himself? The same concept applies. Lot of reasons why people sell. Some are not traders but good at developing strategies. So they utilise their knowledge to support themselves financially.. 


In my view, market keeps changing its behavior, sometime it aggressively go up, sometime it crashes, sometime it is in range, 

sometimes its making higher high and higher low (swings)

since the market keeps changing its behavior, its very complex to build a robot which recognizes all conditions of market and trade based on the behavior of market, Most of the EA sellers are either working on some logic where it only works when market is making swings but it loses money when market

consolidates or crash or rise aggressively, You will notice when market is aggressive and going up, all resistance of any strategy like Pivot point resistance will fail, but when market is normal, pivot point works fine. 

MT5 gives us precious opportunity to create automated trading, but as i believe it may take 10-15 years before any successful "TRADER" can code any EA which really works after analysing the bahaviour of market and act based on it.

what i know is the real traders who are making money from market are not coders, and the coders are not the trader.

When a trader becomes coder, it will be highly likely that that trader will be able to build a successful EA

but its highly unlikely that he will put it for selling

There can be some exceptions when a trader hires a coder to build up his ideas and then make a EA but again the problem will be that it needs to study behavior of market which is a missing point in most of EA. A Robot only follows instruction, but can not think. Machine learning is a different topic which i am not considering now

I am a trader and I trade using harmonics pattern and Fibonacci. My friend introduced me to MT5, I registered about 2 years ago, then learnt to code my logic first, I failed to code and hired coders from freelancing to get my job done, After 2 years, I still dont have any EA, but what is working for me is I am using Mt5 to get alerts when my logic is seen on chart, then i verify it manually then i trade.

If i want to convert my logic into EA, there are some conditions which i believe will be very complex to code, but in future i have plans to build a successful EA.

Arpit T # :

In my view, market keeps changing its behavior, sometime it aggressively go up, sometime it crashes, sometime it is in range, 

sometimes its making higher high and higher low (swings)

since the market keeps changing its behavior, its very complex to build a robot which recognizes all conditions of market and trade based on the behavior of market, Most of the EA sellers are either working on some logic where it only works when market is making swings but it loses money when market

consolidates or crash or rise aggressively, You will notice when market is aggressive and going up, all resistance of any strategy like Pivot point resistance will fail, but when market is normal, pivot point works fine. 

MT5 gives us precious opportunity to create automated trading, but as i believe it may take 10-15 years before any successful "TRADER" can code any EA which really works after analysing the bahaviour of market and act based on it.

what i know is the real traders who are making money from market are not coders, and the coders are not the trader.

When a trader becomes coder, it will be highly likely that that trader will be able to build a successful EA

but its highly unlikely that he will put it for selling

There can be some exceptions when a trader hires a coder to build up his ideas and then make a EA but again the problem will be that it needs to study behavior of market which is a missing point in most of EA. A Robot only follows instruction, but can not think.

I am a trader and I trade using harmonics pattern and Fibonacci. My friend introduced me to MT5, I registered about 2 years ago, then learnt to code my logic first, I failed to code and hired coders from freelancing to get my job done, After 2 years, I still dont have any EA, but what is working for me is I am using Mt5 to get alerts when my logic is seen on chart, then i verify it manually then i trade.

If i want to convert my logic into EA, there are some conditions which i believe will be very complex to code, but in future i have plans to build a successful EA.

I agree with most of the observations. It was said that artificial intelligence cannot be created in the past, but it can still be used practically in many sector. Although the market does not always operate with the same rules, it still has a cycle, it may be possible for different algorithms operating under different conditions to be activated at different times according to the results of a market synthesizer algorithm.

Lungile Mpofu #:

Why a Doctor cant cure himself? The same concept applies. Lot of reasons why people sell. Some are not traders but good at developing strategies. So they utilise their knowledge to support themselves financially.. 

So if the robots lose, so they need to go to the other robots to fix the problem? Moreover, should people go to robots to fix the problem or go to the other man to solve the problem or depend on their self to fix the problem?