obtaining a good EA with some kind of risk for the seller!!!!


This is one ive thought about many times, there are loads of EAs available for sale on here, who knows which ones are good, which are scams, which work sometimes etc.

Does anyone trust their own EA to let me have a copy for an inflated price on the condition that I only pay for it after it has made the profits from which I withdraw to use for the purchase.

Is there anyone with enough faith in their product to take me up on this???

multuply the price by 2, 5, or 50 if you prefer. but the condition must be that you only get paid after the EA has produced whatever amount we agree on??


This is one ive thought about many times, there are loads of EAs available for sale on here, who knows which ones are good, which are scams, which work sometimes etc.

Does anyone trust their own EA to let me have a copy for an inflated price on the condition that I only pay for it after it has made the profits from which I withdraw to use for the purchase.

Is there anyone with enough faith in their product to take me up on this???

multuply the price by 2, 5, or 50 if you prefer. but the condition must be that you only get paid after the EA has produced whatever amount we agree on??

Following your queries comes my question… if I can design an EA that can produce so much income as showed… why would I sell it? 

exactly, so does that mean every EA on here does not work? or no one has any trust and just wants to make money from the sale?

this is very interesting. Is there not one person who does not trust their EA out of the several hundred on here to make even a few hundred $