Freelancing not an option. - page 2

Zach #:
I would like to get a demo of their skills but so far none will provide anything .

Do you really expect developers to code free demos when there is basically very little chance that they will actually get the job?

If everyone wanted free demos, the developer could spend most of their time doing unpaid work.

Zach #:
 and the site doesn't allow any non-chat communication.

How is that relevant?


When you get a real job coding there is an interview process where you can assess skill level, sometimes by watching them code.

I'm not asking for an EA that is profitable, just a real interview process where I can decide who to hire. At this point there is no way to tell a difference between who responded.

Zach #:

When you get a real job coding there is an interview process where you can assess skill level, sometimes by watching them code.

I'm not asking for an EA that is profitable, just a real interview process where I can decide who to hire. At this point there is no way to tell a difference between who responded.

So if its a "real job coding", what's the salary, perks, holiday benefits, healthcare, pension, etc. you are offering?

Zach #:

When you get a real job coding there is an interview process where you can assess skill level, sometimes by watching them code.

I'm not asking for an EA that is profitable, just a real interview process where I can decide who to hire. At this point there is no way to tell a difference between who responded.

Do you really imagine that developers will go through any lengthy interview process that leads to a $30 to $100 job at the end of it?

A job that they probably have less than 10% chance of getting?


I posted a job with a budget of $500. It doesn't need to be a lengthy process. A good developer would have a higher chance of getting the job if there was a way for him to show that there is a difference between him and the others.

And again, the platform taking a commission for unfinished work when there is no way to tell the difference between who responded is unreasonable.

Then accept the developers whose project stats is well above 2000, if your requirements are well communicated and not changing requirements every 2 second, you would get your job in no time.

Asking for a demo, it all dependent on the developer, why would he/she engage creating a demo, when he has maybe 1 or 2 jobs he might be engaged in? If they are to send demo, you would still pick the lowest bidder I guess, making others waste their time.

Creating it yourself would be the best fit, since you are a developer. 
I should add, having a low job stats, doesn't really speak on the skill depth of the developer just maybe when he/she started or his/her time availability.