Freelancing not an option.


Hello all,

I am new to MT and looking to automate a strategy for MT4.  Freelancing is not an option because there is no way to verify whether a developer can build it. The platform locks the money until it is done and could be locked forever.

Thank you.


Hello all,

I am new to MT and looking to automate a strategy for MT4.  Freelancing is not an option because there is no way to verify whether a developer can build it. The platform locks the money until it is done and could be locked forever.

Thank you.

If a developer does not complete a job, then you can start arbitration to get the funds unlocked ( but you will still pay 10% commission) so funds will not be locked forever.

Most jobs are completed with no problem.

Check freelancers arbitration stats

Projects     41 

Arbitration 19  37% / 42%

The above developer has completed 41 jobs

Arbitration was started 19 times and 42% were closed in favour of the customer. So with 41 completed jobs 8 jobs were closed in favour of the customer. That is quite a high proportion and you may want to avoid this developer.

Projects  0

Arbitration  1  0% / 100%

This one you should definitely avoid. Only done 1 job and that was cancelled in favour of the customer.

Projects  4

Arbitration  2  0% / 100%

What do you think?


Hello all,

I am new to MT and looking to automate a strategy for MT4.  Freelancing is not an option because there is no way to verify whether a developer can build it. The platform locks the money until it is done and could be locked forever.

Thank you.

Hello. If the freelance has good ratings and no or few arbitration, you can talk to the developer thought the chat first. That way you can get an idea if he or she knows what you want and if you decide you can select him/her and send the specification requirements. Right before you send the requirements, the money for the work will be locked. 

Antonio Simon Del Vecchio #:

 Right before you send the requirements, the money for the work will be locked. 

No, it won't.

The customer attaches the specifications file and if the developer accepts the job, then the money is locked.

Keith Watford #:

No, it won't.

The customer attaches the specifications file and if the developer accepts the job, then the money is locked.

Yes, you are right 👍
Keith Watford #:

Check freelancers arbitration stats

What do you think?

I think the arbitration stats can also be faked. Just make a bunch of fake jobs for $10 and finish them.

I don't want to lose 10% on each job because if I have to cancel 10 jobs, then I lose 100%.

Zach #:

I think the arbitration stats can also be faked. Just make a bunch of fake jobs for $10 and finish them.

I don't want to lose 10% on each job because if I have to cancel 10 jobs, then I lose 100%.

That is total nonsense. There are no $10 jobs. The minimum is $30.

It seems to me that you want a developer to do the work without you making any sort of commitment.

Why should a developer trust you?


I have no problem paying but if the platform takes a "commission" for unfinished work and there is no real way to verify their ability then it's not worth it. The platform could lock the money but give it all back.

As a developer myself, I would want to differentiate myself from other developers by showing proof of my skills. I got 10 responses and all of them say "I can do it" but no way to verify what they say.

I'll just code it myself.

Zach #:

I have no problem paying but if the platform takes a "commission" for unfinished work and there is no real way to verify their ability then it's not worth it. The platform could lock the money but give it all back.

As a developer myself, I would want to differentiate myself from other developers by showing proof of my skills. I got 10 responses and all of them say "I can do it" but no way to verify what they say.

I'll just code it myself.

There are very good developers on this platform. I think you should give a vote of confidence.
I would like to get a demo of their skills but so far none will provide anything and the site doesn't allow any non-chat communication.
Zach #:

I have no problem paying but ....

I'll just code it myself.

Yes! the right attitude ever. 
Good luck.