My EA is firing off multiple trades instead of 1 per candle.


As the title suggests its supposed to only fire of a single trade per candle.

Im guessing my loops have an issue or something I disregarded. Can someone with fresh eyes kindly assist.

#include <Trade/Trade.mqh>
#include <LotSizeCalc.mqh>

//enum IndexList{BUY=1,SELL=0,};

//input IndexList PROGRAM = SELL;
//LDN Close is 13:00 (Server Time) and 11:00 WAT
//NY Close is 18:00 (Server Time) and 16:00 WAT

int ldnOpenTimeHour = 10;
int ldnOpenTimeMin = 0;
int ldnOpenTimeSec = 0;

int ldnCloseTimeHour = 13;
int ldnCloseTimeMin = 0;
int ldnCloseTimeSec = 0;

int nyOpenTimeHour = 16;
int nyOpenTimeMin = 0;
int nyOpenTimeSec = 0;

int nyCloseTimeHour = 19;
int nyCloseTimeMin = 0;
int nyCloseTimeSec = 0;

CTrade trade;

int handle;
int barsTotal;
int tradeCount;
double myLotSize;
double riskPerTrade = 0.1;

int OnInit()
  handle = iFractals(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
  barsTotal = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
void OnTick()
  MqlDateTime structLdnOpenTime, structLdnCloseTime, structNyOpenTime, structNyCloseTime;


  structLdnOpenTime.hour = ldnOpenTimeHour;
  structLdnOpenTime.min = ldnOpenTimeMin;
  structLdnOpenTime.sec = ldnOpenTimeSec;

  structLdnCloseTime.hour = ldnCloseTimeHour;
  structLdnCloseTime.min = ldnCloseTimeMin;
  structLdnCloseTime.sec = ldnCloseTimeSec;

  structNyOpenTime.hour = nyOpenTimeHour;
  structNyOpenTime.min = nyOpenTimeMin;
  structNyOpenTime.sec = nyOpenTimeSec;

  structNyCloseTime.hour = nyCloseTimeHour;
  structNyCloseTime.min = nyCloseTimeMin;
  structNyCloseTime.sec = nyCloseTimeSec;

  datetime ldnOpen = StructToTime(structLdnOpenTime);
  datetime ldnCLose = StructToTime(structLdnCloseTime);
  datetime nyOpen = StructToTime(structNyOpenTime);
  datetime nyClose = StructToTime(structNyCloseTime);

  //Print("London Open: ",ldnOpen, "London Close: ",ldnCLose," NY Open: ",nyOpen," New York Close: ",nyClose);
  int bars = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
  double h1SlowMovingAverageArray[];
  double h1FastMovingAverageArray[];
  double high3 = iHigh(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double low3 = iLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double close1 = iClose(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,1);
  double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
  if(barsTotal != bars){
    barsTotal = bars;
    double fractalUpper[], fractalLower[];
    tradeCount = PositionsTotal();

    //Definition of the EMA
    int h1SlowEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,18,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    int h1FastEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    //sort the price array from the current candle backwards
    //Defined EA, one line, from candle 0, for  3 candles, store in Array
    //Calc MA for candle 0
    double myH1SlowEMA = h1SlowMovingAverageArray[0];
    double myH1FastEMA = h1FastMovingAverageArray[0];
    double m5SlowMovingAverageArray[];
    double m5FastMovingAverageArray[];

    //Definition of the EMA
    int m5slowEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,18,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    int m5fastEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    //sort the price array from the current candle backwards
    //Defined EA, one line, from candle 0, for  3 candles, store in Array

    //Calc MA for candle 0
    double myM5SlowEMA = m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0];
    double myM5FastEMA = m5FastMovingAverageArray[0];

    //Need to find a way to change font attributes      
    if((myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA > myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BEARISH\nM5: BEARISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA < myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BULLISH\nM5: BULLISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA > myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BULLISH\nM5: BEARISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA < myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BEARISH\nM5: BULLISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else{Comment("H1 && M5 are at EQUILIBRIUM\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}

    //Multi Check Phase and Trade
    if(((tradeCount < 3) && ((ldnOpen <= TimeCurrent()) && (ldnCLose > TimeCurrent())) || ((nyOpen <= TimeCurrent()) && (nyClose > TimeCurrent())))){
        if((m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0]>m5FastMovingAverageArray[0]) && (fractalUpper[0] == high3) && (myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA)){
        double smallSL = high3 + 0.00030;
        double allSL = NormalizeDouble((smallSL - close1),5);
        double sendSl = NormalizeDouble((allSL*100000),1);
        double tp = NormalizeDouble((close1 - (allSL*3.69000)),5);
        //Print("Small SL: ",smallSL," High3: ",high3," Close1: ",close1," TP: ",tp,"SendSL: ",sendSl,"AllSL: ",allSL);
        myLotSize = calculateLotSize(_Symbol,equity,sendSl,riskPerTrade);
      else if((m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0]<m5FastMovingAverageArray[0]) && (fractalLower[0] == low3) && (myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA)){
        double smallSL = low3 - 0.00030;
        double allSL = NormalizeDouble((close1 - smallSL),5);
        double sendSl = NormalizeDouble((allSL*100000),1);
        double tp = NormalizeDouble((close1 + (allSL*3.69000)),5);
        //Print("Small SL: ",smallSL," High3: ",high3," Close1: ",close1," TP: ",tp,"SendSL: ",sendSl);
        myLotSize = calculateLotSize(_Symbol,equity,sendSl,riskPerTrade);
      else{Print("Hunting for Setups...");}



You made a huge mistake - you create several handles on each tick! Remember: according to the MQL5 style, the indicator handle should be created ONCE and it should be done in OnInit.

Vladimir Karputov #:

You made a huge mistake - you create several handles on each tick! Remember: according to the MQL5 style, the indicator handle should be created ONCE and it should be done in OnInit.

Ok, thanks for that correction. Ill do that now and see if it fixes the issue.
tradingwisely # :
Ok, thanks for that correction. Ill do that now and see if it fixes the issue.

Please fix the bug and post your code.

Vladimir Karputov #:

Please fix the bug and post your code.

Just to clarify shall I move all of these to the OnInit Function?

MqlDateTime structLdnOpenTime, structLdnCloseTime, structNyOpenTime, structNyCloseTime;


  structLdnOpenTime.hour = ldnOpenTimeHour;
  structLdnOpenTime.min = ldnOpenTimeMin;
  structLdnOpenTime.sec = ldnOpenTimeSec;

  structLdnCloseTime.hour = ldnCloseTimeHour;
  structLdnCloseTime.min = ldnCloseTimeMin;
  structLdnCloseTime.sec = ldnCloseTimeSec;

  structNyOpenTime.hour = nyOpenTimeHour;
  structNyOpenTime.min = nyOpenTimeMin;
  structNyOpenTime.sec = nyOpenTimeSec;

  structNyCloseTime.hour = nyCloseTimeHour;
  structNyCloseTime.min = nyCloseTimeMin;
  structNyCloseTime.sec = nyCloseTimeSec;

  datetime ldnOpen = StructToTime(structLdnOpenTime);
  datetime ldnCLose = StructToTime(structLdnCloseTime);
  datetime nyOpen = StructToTime(structNyOpenTime);
  datetime nyClose = StructToTime(structNyCloseTime);

  //Print("London Open: ",ldnOpen, "London Close: ",ldnCLose," NY Open: ",nyOpen," New York Close: ",nyClose);
  int bars = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);    
  double high3 = iHigh(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double low3 = iLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double close1 = iClose(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,1);
No. Read my post above - I'm talking about indicator handles.
Vladimir Karputov #:
No. Read my post above - I'm talking about indicator handles.

Ok, I think this is what u meant. But now that I try to run this in the strategy tester with visual mode, the MT5 keeps on crashing.

#include <Trade/Trade.mqh>
#include <LotSizeCalc.mqh>

//enum IndexList{BUY=1,SELL=0,};

//input IndexList PROGRAM = SELL;
//LDN Close is 13:00 (Server Time) and 11:00 WAT
//NY Close is 18:00 (Server Time) and 16:00 WAT

int ldnOpenTimeHour = 10;
int ldnOpenTimeMin = 0;
int ldnOpenTimeSec = 0;

int ldnCloseTimeHour = 13;
int ldnCloseTimeMin = 0;
int ldnCloseTimeSec = 0;

int nyOpenTimeHour = 16;
int nyOpenTimeMin = 0;
int nyOpenTimeSec = 0;

int nyCloseTimeHour = 19;
int nyCloseTimeMin = 0;
int nyCloseTimeSec = 0;

CTrade trade;

int handle, h1slowEMA, h1fastEMA, m5slowEMA, m5fastEMA;
int barsTotal, bars;
int tradeCount;

double myLotSize;
double riskPerTrade = 0.1;

int OnInit()
  handle = iFractals(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
  barsTotal = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);

  //H1 EMA Definition
  h1slowEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,18,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
  h1fastEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);

  //M5 EMA Definition
  m5slowEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,18,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
  m5fastEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
void OnTick()
  MqlDateTime structLdnOpenTime, structLdnCloseTime, structNyOpenTime, structNyCloseTime;


  structLdnOpenTime.hour = ldnOpenTimeHour;
  structLdnOpenTime.min = ldnOpenTimeMin;
  structLdnOpenTime.sec = ldnOpenTimeSec;

  structLdnCloseTime.hour = ldnCloseTimeHour;
  structLdnCloseTime.min = ldnCloseTimeMin;
  structLdnCloseTime.sec = ldnCloseTimeSec;

  structNyOpenTime.hour = nyOpenTimeHour;
  structNyOpenTime.min = nyOpenTimeMin;
  structNyOpenTime.sec = nyOpenTimeSec;

  structNyCloseTime.hour = nyCloseTimeHour;
  structNyCloseTime.min = nyCloseTimeMin;
  structNyCloseTime.sec = nyCloseTimeSec;

  datetime ldnOpen = StructToTime(structLdnOpenTime);
  datetime ldnCLose = StructToTime(structLdnCloseTime);
  datetime nyOpen = StructToTime(structNyOpenTime);
  datetime nyClose = StructToTime(structNyCloseTime);
  //Print("London Open: ",ldnOpen, "London Close: ",ldnCLose," NY Open: ",nyOpen," New York Close: ",nyClose);
  bars = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
  double h1SlowMovingAverageArray[];
  double h1FastMovingAverageArray[];

  //sort the price array from the current candle backwards

  double m5SlowMovingAverageArray[];
  double m5FastMovingAverageArray[];

  //sort the price array from the current candle backwards
  double high3 = iHigh(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double low3 = iLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double close1 = iClose(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,1);
  double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
  if(barsTotal != bars){
    barsTotal = bars;
    double fractalUpper[], fractalLower[];
    tradeCount = PositionsTotal();

    //Defined EA, one line, from candle 0, for  3 candles, store in Array
    //Calc MA for candle 0
    double myH1SlowEMA = h1SlowMovingAverageArray[0];
    double myH1FastEMA = h1FastMovingAverageArray[0];
    //Defined EA, one line, from candle 0, for  3 candles, store in Array

    //Calc MA for candle 0
    double myM5SlowEMA = m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0];
    double myM5FastEMA = m5FastMovingAverageArray[0];

    //Need to find a way to change font attributes      
    if((myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA > myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BEARISH\nM5: BEARISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA < myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BULLISH\nM5: BULLISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA > myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BULLISH\nM5: BEARISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA < myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BEARISH\nM5: BULLISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else{Comment("H1 && M5 are at EQUILIBRIUM\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}    

    //Multi Check Phase and Trade
    if(((tradeCount < 3) && ((ldnOpen <= TimeCurrent()) && (ldnCLose > TimeCurrent())) || ((nyOpen <= TimeCurrent()) && (nyClose > TimeCurrent())))){
        if((m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0]>m5FastMovingAverageArray[0]) && (fractalUpper[0] == high3) && (myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA)){
        double smallSL = high3 + 0.00030;
        double allSL = NormalizeDouble((smallSL - close1),5);
        double sendSl = NormalizeDouble((allSL*100000),1);
        double tp = NormalizeDouble((close1 - (allSL*3.69000)),5);
        //Print("Small SL: ",smallSL," High3: ",high3," Close1: ",close1," TP: ",tp,"SendSL: ",sendSl,"AllSL: ",allSL);
        myLotSize = calculateLotSize(_Symbol,equity,sendSl,riskPerTrade);
      else if((m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0]<m5FastMovingAverageArray[0]) && (fractalLower[0] == low3) && (myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA)){
        double smallSL = low3 - 0.00030;
        double allSL = NormalizeDouble((close1 - smallSL),5);
        double sendSl = NormalizeDouble((allSL*100000),1);
        double tp = NormalizeDouble((close1 + (allSL*3.69000)),5);
        //Print("Small SL: ",smallSL," High3: ",high3," Close1: ",close1," TP: ",tp,"SendSL: ",sendSl);
        myLotSize = calculateLotSize(_Symbol,equity,sendSl,riskPerTrade);
      else{Print("Hunting for Setups...");}



The code contains errors.

can't open "C:\Users\barab\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\MQL5\Include\LotSizeCalc.mqh" include file      1.mq5   7       11
Vladimir Karputov #:

The code contains errors.

The LotSizeCalc.mqh is located in my Include Folder, i dont really know whats going on, cus it compiles fine on my end, it even runs the strategy tester without visual mode enabled. But when I put on the visual mode it crashes. 
Vladimir Karputov #:

The code contains errors.

Ive restored the previous code before relocating the handles, it now works as it used to before.

Can anyone assist me on how to prevent multiple trades during the same candle.

Maybe their is a superior check that I can utilize?

See code below for reference:

#include <Trade/Trade.mqh>
#include <LotSizeCalc.mqh>

//enum IndexList{BUY=1,SELL=0,};

//input IndexList PROGRAM = SELL;
//LDN Close is 13:00 (Server Time) and 11:00 WAT
//NY Close is 18:00 (Server Time) and 16:00 WAT

int ldnOpenTimeHour = 10;
int ldnOpenTimeMin = 0;
int ldnOpenTimeSec = 0;

int ldnCloseTimeHour = 13;
int ldnCloseTimeMin = 0;
int ldnCloseTimeSec = 0;

int nyOpenTimeHour = 16;
int nyOpenTimeMin = 0;
int nyOpenTimeSec = 0;

int nyCloseTimeHour = 19;
int nyCloseTimeMin = 0;
int nyCloseTimeSec = 0;

CTrade trade;

int handle;
int barsTotal;
int tradeCount;

double myLotSize;
double riskPerTrade = 0.1;

int OnInit()
  handle = iFractals(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
  barsTotal = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
void OnTick()
  MqlDateTime structLdnOpenTime, structLdnCloseTime, structNyOpenTime, structNyCloseTime;


  structLdnOpenTime.hour = ldnOpenTimeHour;
  structLdnOpenTime.min = ldnOpenTimeMin;
  structLdnOpenTime.sec = ldnOpenTimeSec;

  structLdnCloseTime.hour = ldnCloseTimeHour;
  structLdnCloseTime.min = ldnCloseTimeMin;
  structLdnCloseTime.sec = ldnCloseTimeSec;

  structNyOpenTime.hour = nyOpenTimeHour;
  structNyOpenTime.min = nyOpenTimeMin;
  structNyOpenTime.sec = nyOpenTimeSec;

  structNyCloseTime.hour = nyCloseTimeHour;
  structNyCloseTime.min = nyCloseTimeMin;
  structNyCloseTime.sec = nyCloseTimeSec;

  datetime ldnOpen = StructToTime(structLdnOpenTime);
  datetime ldnCLose = StructToTime(structLdnCloseTime);
  datetime nyOpen = StructToTime(structNyOpenTime);
  datetime nyClose = StructToTime(structNyCloseTime);

  //Print("London Open: ",ldnOpen, "London Close: ",ldnCLose," NY Open: ",nyOpen," New York Close: ",nyClose);
  int bars = iBars(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5);
  double h1SlowMovingAverageArray[];
  double h1FastMovingAverageArray[];
  double high3 = iHigh(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double low3 = iLow(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,3);
  double close1 = iClose(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,1);
  double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
  if(barsTotal != bars){
    barsTotal = bars;
    double fractalUpper[], fractalLower[];
    tradeCount = PositionsTotal();

    //Definition of the EMA
    int h1SlowEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,18,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    int h1FastEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_H1,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    //sort the price array from the current candle backwards
    //Defined EA, one line, from candle 0, for  3 candles, store in Array
    //Calc MA for candle 0
    double myH1SlowEMA = h1SlowMovingAverageArray[0];
    double myH1FastEMA = h1FastMovingAverageArray[0];
    double m5SlowMovingAverageArray[];
    double m5FastMovingAverageArray[];
    //Definition of the EMA
    int m5slowEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,18,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    int m5fastEMA = iMA(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
    //sort the price array from the current candle backwards
    //Defined EA, one line, from candle 0, for  3 candles, store in Array

    //Calc MA for candle 0
    double myM5SlowEMA = m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0];
    double myM5FastEMA = m5FastMovingAverageArray[0];

    //Need to find a way to change font attributes      
    if((myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA > myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BEARISH\nM5: BEARISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA < myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BULLISH\nM5: BULLISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA > myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BULLISH\nM5: BEARISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else if((myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA) && (myM5SlowEMA < myM5FastEMA)){Comment("H1: BEARISH\nM5: BULLISH\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}
    else{Comment("H1 && M5 are at EQUILIBRIUM\nTrade Count: ",tradeCount);}    

    //Multi Check Phase and Trade
    if(((tradeCount < 3) && ((ldnOpen <= TimeCurrent()) && (ldnCLose > TimeCurrent())) || ((nyOpen <= TimeCurrent()) && (nyClose > TimeCurrent())))){
      if((m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0]>m5FastMovingAverageArray[0]) && (fractalUpper[0] == high3) && (myH1SlowEMA > myH1FastEMA)){
        double smallSL = high3 + 0.00030;
        double allSL = NormalizeDouble((smallSL - close1),5);
        double sendSl = NormalizeDouble((allSL*100000),1);
        double tp = NormalizeDouble((close1 - (allSL*3.69000)),5);
        //Print("Small SL: ",smallSL," High3: ",high3," Close1: ",close1," TP: ",tp,"SendSL: ",sendSl,"AllSL: ",allSL);
        myLotSize = calculateLotSize(_Symbol,equity,sendSl,riskPerTrade);
      else if((m5SlowMovingAverageArray[0]<m5FastMovingAverageArray[0]) && (fractalLower[0] == low3) && (myH1SlowEMA < myH1FastEMA)){
        double smallSL = low3 - 0.00030;
        double allSL = NormalizeDouble((close1 - smallSL),5);
        double sendSl = NormalizeDouble((allSL*100000),1);
        double tp = NormalizeDouble((close1 + (allSL*3.69000)),5);
        //Print("Small SL: ",smallSL," High3: ",high3," Close1: ",close1," TP: ",tp,"SendSL: ",sendSl);
        myLotSize = calculateLotSize(_Symbol,equity,sendSl,riskPerTrade);
      else{Print("Hunting for Setups...");}
tradingwisely #:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

My EA is firing off multiple trades instead of 1 per candle.

Vladimir Karputov, 2022.06.28 12:03

The code contains errors.

can't open "C:\Users\barab\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075\MQL5\Include\LotSizeCalc.mqh" include file      1.mq5   7       11