Second if statement is not executed after the first if statement's conditions comes false. My code is attached below. Please can someone point me in the right direction.

//--- Create an instance of CTrade
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>
CTrade trade;

//--- external adjustable variable
input int NumberOfPositions = 3;
input double myLotSize = 0.20;

void OnTick()
             //--- Ask and Balance
       double Ask = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK),_Digits);
       double Bid = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID),_Digits);
       double Balance = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
       double Equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
       //---Get Price Data
   MqlRates priceInformation[];

   //---Sort it from current candles to older candle
   ArraySetAsSeries(priceInformation, true);

   //---Copy price data into array
   int Data = CopyRates(Symbol(), Period(),0,Bars(Symbol(),Period()),priceInformation);
     //--- RSI Strategy //---
    //--- create array for the RSI
   double myRSIArray[];

   //---define RSI settings
   int myRSIDefinition = iRSI(_Symbol, _Period,5,PRICE_CLOSE);

   //--- sort price data from the current candle downwards
   ArraySetAsSeries(myRSIArray, true);

   //---Define EA, current candle, 3 candles, save in array

   //---calculate rsi value of the current candle
   double myRSIValue = NormalizeDouble(myRSIArray[0],2);

   //---Chart Output of the Current EA

   Comment("myRsiValue: " , myRSIValue);
   //--- check whether in uptrend or downtrend
  //--- create an Array for several prices
   double myMovingAverageArray[];
  //--- define the properties of the Moving Average
  int movingAverageDefinition = iMA(_Symbol,_Period,300,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
  //---sort the price array from the current candle downwards
  ArraySetAsSeries(myMovingAverageArray, true);
  //--- Define EA, one line, current candle, 3 candles, store result
  //--- Calculate EA for the current candle
  double myMovingAverageValue = myMovingAverageArray[0];
  //---Chart output of the current EA
  Comment("MovingAverageValue: ", myMovingAverageValue);
     //---Conditions for trade

   if ((priceInformation[1].close > myMovingAverageValue)&&(myRSIValue <= 30)&& 
   (PositionsTotal() < NumberOfPositions) && (Equity >= Balance))
       trade.Buy (
               myLotSize, //--- how much
               NULL, //--- current symbol
               Bid,  //--- buyprice
               (Bid-300000* _Point), //--- S.l
               (Bid+1500000* _Point), //--- T.P
               NULL //--- Comment
   } else if ((priceInformation[1].close < myMovingAverageValue)&&(myRSIValue >= 70)&& 
   (PositionsTotal() < NumberOfPositions) && (Equity >= Balance))
       trade.Sell (
               myLotSize, //--- how much
               NULL, //--- current symbol
               Ask,  //--- sellprice
               (Ask-300000* _Point), //--- S.l
               (Ask+1500000* _Point), //--- T.P
               NULL //--- Comment

Second if statement is not executed after the first if statement's conditions comes false. Please can someone point me in the right direction.



Second if statement is not executed after the first if statement's conditions comes false. Please can someone point me in the right direction.


what makes you think that?   else if  says it does get executed. most likely the conditions of the second if are also false.

use the debugger and check the values

Henihollar: Second if statement is not executed after the first if statement's conditions comes false. Please can someone point me in the right direction.

Be careful of the if-else construct you are using. It can be very misleading.

This is what you are doing ...

if ( condition1 )
   // Something if ...
else if (condition2 )
   // Something else if ...

This is what it is actually doing ...

if ( condition1 )
   // Something if ...
   if (condition2 )
      // Something else if ...

   // Something else ...

You can write it like this for more control ...

if ( condition1 )
   // Something if ...
   if (condition2 )
      // Something else if ...
      // Something else else ...

   // Something else ...
Henihollar :

You make a gross mistake: you create a new indicator handle on each tick. This is the biggest mistake!

According to the MQL5 style, the indicator handle is created ONCE!!! And this is done in OnInit.


An example of get values from the iRSI indicator

How to start with MQL5
How to start with MQL5
  • 2020.07.05
This thread discusses MQL5 code examples. There will be examples of how to get data from indicators, how to program advisors...