Why is my trading disabled and I haven't even traded yet? Please help

I have a new account with a balance. Have not had the option to trade at all. Please anyone help. Thanks
Talk to your broker - we can't help you here.
Hi why is my log in or sign in not authorized please help
Talmor.Jarman: Have not had the option to trade at all.

Did you log in with your investor password? Again, talk to your broker.

  1. Tholakele Mulauzi #: Hi why is my log in or sign in not authorized please help

    Do you really expect an answer? There are no mind readers here and our crystal balls are cracked. With the information you've provided — we can only guess. And you haven't provided any useful information for that.

  2. Don't Hijack other threads for your off-topic post. Next time, make your own, new, thread.