Bug in CSymboInfo.mqh ? Need help

#include <Trade/SymbolInfo.mqh>
CSymbolInfo sym;

int OnInit()


double askprice =sym.Ask();

Print ( "askprice =", Ask());


//I got the result : askprice = 0. I cant manage to get the last ask price from OOP. So it is bug in SymbolInfo.mqh?

What is wrong here? 


See help for this method - https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/standardlibrary/tradeclasses/csymbolinfo/csymbolinfoask:


The symbol should be selected by Name method.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Library / Trade Classes / CSymbolInfo / Ask
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Library / Trade Classes / CSymbolInfo / Ask - Documentation on MQL5

Hi Rosh,

can you write the solution here? :)

#include <Trade/SymbolInfo.mqh>
CSymbolInfo sym;

int OnInit()

sym.Name(_Symbol);    <----? this one?


double askprice =sym.Ask();

Print ( "askprice =", Ask());


// still doesnt work. Got zero as answer.


#include <Trade/SymbolInfo.mqh>
CSymbolInfo sym;

int OnInit()

sym.Name(_Symbol);    <----? this one?


double askprice =sym.Ask();

Print ( "askprice =", Ask());


// still doesnt work. Got zero as answer.

Try to call RefreshRates() method before you try to get any rates.



I attempted with sym.Refreshrate(); , but still dont work.  Can you try it in your metatrader5? Something wrong with my metatrader?


hi! Thanks a lot guys! =) it is working now!
Could you please say what it was that you did to fix your error please?

I am also having this problem.

Could you please say what it was that you did to fix your error please?

I am also having this problem.


This code should work correctly

#include <Trade/SymbolInfo.mqh>
CSymbolInfo sym;
int OnInit()
      double askprice=sym.Ask();
      Print("askprice =",askprice);


Thanks a lot, that does work.


Hi All,

I have similar problem, but with "LastHigh()" and "LastLow()" methods from CSymbolInfo. I have tried all the above suggestions, but I still get a ZERO value returned for these.

I can get valid numbers for others like AskHigh(), Ask(), etc...   So, I don't have a clue what wrong at this point.

Any assistance/suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.