Spending my time on CurTime()

There is no CurTime() function on https://docs.mql4.com/function_indices

aaand I spent 1 hour looking for what was wrong with my CurTime(var something) function :(

it's obsolete https://docs.mql4.com/obsolete but still override custom function

MT4 Version: 4.00 build 1355 16 Mar 2022

List of MQL4 Functions - MQL4 Reference
List of MQL4 Functions - MQL4 Reference
  • docs.mql4.com
List of MQL4 Functions - MQL4 Reference
sending tan: There is no CurTime() function on https://docs.mql4.com/function_indices aaand I spent 1 hour looking for what was wrong with my CurTime(var something) function :( it's obsolete https://docs.mql4.com/obsolete but still override custom function. MT4 Version: 4.00 build 1355 16 Mar 2022
What is the point of your post?
Fernando Carreiro #: What is the point of your post?

Just bitch'n that the documentation for the obsolete terminal is not as good as he would like.

Then I guess the OP has never tried pressing the F1 key while typing the function. It would have taken him directly to the "Obsolete" section in the help reference.
Fernando Carreiro #:
What is the point of your post?

I'm guessing that the OP created a function called  CurTime() and found that it wouldn't compile.