How can i fix my while loop

#property copyright "Copyright 2022"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

string sym="";
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit() {
//--- create timer
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason) {
//--- destroy timer


//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer() {

  Print("sleeping for 5 secoonds");

While loop not detecting when a chart symbol is changed, what mistake i am making here?

If I remember right, the EA gets reloaded on symbol change. This will reset your global variable _sym.

You will need to use global terminal variables for persistent storage across reloads.

  1. Arpit T: While loop not detecting when a chart symbol is changed, what mistake i am making here?

    Nothing is changing while your code is running. You will break out of the while because of IsStopped and go through a deinit/chart change/init cycle.

  2. Dominik Christian Egert #: If I remember right, the EA gets reloaded on symbol change.
    Indicators are reloaded, EAs are not.