Objects disappear in certain temporalities - Help, please

Hello. Could someone help me solve the problem I have when creating objects in long-term temporalities? It turns out that when I create objects (Fibonacci, rectangles, lines, etc.) in timeframes of for example monthly, weekly and daily... I can no longer see these objects when I go down to timeframes of M1, M5, M15, M30, H1) . It is worth mentioning that I have these visible in all timeframes and that I have not configured any indicators or active scripts.

I have this problem in MT5. Does anyone know what is causing this error and how I can fix it? Thank you

They are still there but if you set them on a monthly chart for example, then their end times are the first day of the month, not the last day.

So when you drop down to very low time frames you could be off by a full month.

So remember to adjust the end points to the end of the period if you plan to include that time in your analysis.

Also for easy access Create/Ask a script to cycle through objects and navigate the chart to a objects in that chart