Something Interesting in Financial Video April 2015 - page 3


Introduction to Dividend Stocks: The Stocks That Outperform All Other Stocks

1. Dividend stocks are stocks that share a portion of their earnings with shareholders.

2. Because dividend stocks share earnings with investors, they essentially offer investors two ways to profit: (1) by earning dividends and (2) by share price appreciation.

3. Dividends constitute an income stream of sorts, as companies typically pay dividends on a fixed frequency (i.e. monthly, quarterly, annually, etc).

4. As with any income type of investment, time and compounding are key: being patient and re-investing dividends are what truly enable greater returns over time. Historically speaking, data suggests that for large cap stocks the re-investment of dividends has proven to be a greater source of wealth than capital appreciation of the underlying stock.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.04.26 13:01

EURUSD forecast for the week of April 27, 2015, Technical Analysis (based on fxempire article)

The EURUSD pair initially fell during the course of the week but found enough support to turn things back around and form a hammer. However, we recognize that the 1.10 level above is still resistive, so therefore it’s difficult to take a longer-term trade. In fact, we are comfortable with longer-term trades until we are well above the 1.15 level, which is something that we are obviously not going to see anytime soon. With that, we remain on the sidelines as far as long-term trades are concerned, but will pay attention to the shorter-term daily chart.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.04.29 08:36

EUR/USD Forecast April 29, 2015, Technical Analysis (based on fxempire article)

The EUR/USD pair broke higher during the course of the session on Tuesday, heading towards the 1.10 level. This is an area that we should see quite a bit of resistance at, and with the Federal Reserve having its interest-rate announcement and more importantly, the interest rate statement during the session today, it’s very likely that we will have a catalyst for the next move in this pair. Because of this, we believe that it’s only a matter of time before the sellers step in, but we recognize that a move above the 1.12 level would change everything. It is very possible that we get some type of extraordinary move during the session. We believe this move will dictate where the market goes next.