Problem with programmer what do I do?


I paid someone already to add a news filter to 3 of my EA's. after the install everything seemed to work good. After I paid him and about a half hour the whole platform froze along with my quotes. I had to restart my platform and disable the news filters on the EA's. After doing so the platform stopped freezing. Some time later I decided to try it again I enabled the news filter on 2 EA's and same thing started happening this time it was making my platform crash and completely shut down. In the journal it shows nothing but I know for a fact it's the news filter since when I turn it off nothing happens. Last night i had the news filter off all night long and the platform stayed on just fine. 

 Now the programmer is telling me all fine on his end and he has never had an issue with this news filter. He basically tells me if theres nothing in the journal then tough sh*t. I already paid the guy and now I need to have it either removed or repaired by someone else. I don't trust the guy to touch he EA again. Any thoughts on what to do now since I already completed the project?  


I paid someone already to add a news filter to 3 of my EA's. after the install everything seemed to work good. After I paid him and about a half hour the whole platform froze along with my quotes. I had to restart my platform and disable the news filters on the EA's. After doing so the platform stopped freezing. Some time later I decided to try it again I enabled the news filter on 2 EA's and same thing started happening this time it was making my platform crash and completely shut down. In the journal it shows nothing but I know for a fact it's the news filter since when I turn it off nothing happens. Last night i had the news filter off all night long and the platform stayed on just fine. 

 Now the programmer is telling me all fine on his end and he has never had an issue with this news filter. He basically tells me if theres nothing in the journal then tough sh*t. I already paid the guy and now I need to have it either removed or repaired by someone else. I don't trust the guy to touch he EA again. Any thoughts on what to do now since I already completed the project?  

G'day Dave

Very sorry to hear about your troubles. It sounds like you have already unsuccessfully tried to have this resolved directly with the coder so the last thing you can do is try to have it resolved by the Service Desk. If you have the mql file then I'd also suggest raising a job to have another coder fix it up (if possible). Good luck mate.


Hello Dave,

I am also facing the same problem.

Dear Filter, actually in this community, all are unknown and everybody is here to earn money against the job. This sad matter already happened with Dave and with me. Your advice is good but what is the guaranty, other coder also will give the proper support? 

I had taken my EA from developer after checked in mt4 back test. Lot of problem was found and he made correction, I was doubtful about some points and requested him, if is there any problem comes in my real account, then he should take care about this. I had paid his demand without delay. Finally when I started my EA on real account, got 3-4 types of problem which are not a issue for back test. I had loss 100$ and another 200$ is in risk due to this EA.

My requirement was, if EA failed to open a order / reverse order due to off quote, re quote, slippage etc, then EA should keep on try to execute that trade immediately or even the next candle / minute.

But in my real account, EA tried 1 time to execute reverse trade and failed due to invalid price (as per log file), then EA not taken that order and market gone 200 pips far from that place but EA is sleeping !!! 

I had requested to make a correction but he said too much busy and will see later, then 1 week is going. He got his payment and now running for another job, so this is not important for him.

EA suppose to take order from 2nd candle (If set up 2), but due to technical problem if EA can't open the trade from 2nd candle, EA should try on next candle. But after 2nd candle EA is going to sleep !!!

EA not taking trade after closed the previous trade, EA going to sleep. This type of issues now a major problem and I had stopped to use that. Whatever paid for job, that also meaningless.

Dear Dave, your experience and my experience is same, my suggestion is, if you have a known person in your circle, who knows the coding, do work with them, if necessary pay some extra, but they are visible to you and any time you can catch them. But here all are unknown / invisible, after got the payment, if he not following the commitment, nothing to do. (Here also lot of good coder is working but before work you can't realise that.)

Best of luck.


G'day Dave

Very sorry to hear about your troubles. It sounds like you have already unsuccessfully tried to have this resolved directly with the coder so the last thing you can do is try to have it resolved by the Service Desk. If you have the mql file then I'd also suggest raising a job to have another coder fix it up (if possible). Good luck mate.

How do I find the service desk on completed projects? I clicked on complain next to his name and in 150 characters described what happened 
How do I find the service desk on completed projects? I clicked on complain next to his name and in 150 characters described what happened 
The service desk link is in the left hand menu of your profile Dave

G'day Pankaj ( & Dave)

I totally agree and I totally understand your frustration. So I'm not saying you or Dave have done anything wrong, quite the opposite. But unfortunately in life, you will meet some wonderful people who are honest, good at what they do, only too happy to help and live up to their word....and others that are not so wonderful! 

The issues you highlight on MQL5 are the same facing all freelance sites. The whole job process on MQL5 is put there to protect both the customer and the coder. The final step before handing  over your $$ to the coder is to thoroughly test the code to ensure you are 100% happy, including live forward tests on real accounts if that is where you intend to use it. You should always stipulate this as one of your conditions when you first create the job. Of course this can never catch 100% of errors in the code but if you're not happy before the money is handed over and the coder won't fix it, you have all the evidence you need to take it to arbitration and get your $$ back. And of course, if justified, make your feelings known in your review of the coder so others can see and be warned

Some other quick tips:
1) The cheapest coder isn't always (or rather isn't usually) the best coder! You do get what you pay for.
2) Thoroughly check out any coder before employing them. Check the reviews and previous jobs. How many times have they been to arbitration? How many times did they lose? Have they done this type of work before? Don't rush this step!!
3) Ask around your friends for recommendations
4) Contact some of his/her previous customers 
5) Always ask for code in mql format 
6) Thoroughly explain your specifications in the job
7) Stipulate that you will require several days to thoroughly beta test the code and any errors must be fixed.
8) Don't hand over any $$ until you are completely satisfied
9) Get everything in writing!!
10) As a last resort, send the job to arbitration with a detailed description of what went wrong.
11) Use the rating and review system - it really helps other users find great coders and avoid the bad ones


Thanks Dear Stuart,

Your suggestion points are really appreciated. But if bad luck continue with some one, he maybe never can avoid such problem.

For my job, got offer $20 also, but done with 29$ to get better service.

In the job platform, personal message even via team view I had explained about my expectation to get perfect EA.

Checked his previous data, reviews and all before selected the coder.

As per his experience, he completed the job within 1 day, then more than 3 days I had given to make necessary correction.

Coder tried his better and made some correction, but final correction I did not get.

Reg Rating, reviews:

After received the EA, I had checked on back test, result good, then use 1 day in real account, that result also almost good. I had given a good comments and rating for his job. But next day found some major issues on my real account, EA not working after any off quote, invalid price, raw spread, re quote etc. You know, this type of issues can't get in demo / back test or even daily on real account. So, when I got this problem, as per his commitment I requested to fix it but no response. In this situation, how can some one deleted the good comments /ratings etc from his profile? Maybe no way but he got a * mark for this work and next time others people will review this and will be encouraged to work with him. You got my point?

This called Bad Luck.

Regards, Pankaj 


Yeah, that is very much bad luck mate. And as I said earlier, I know you can never catch all bugs before you complete the job. And no, there is no way to take back a review unfortunately. It does really annoy me that people do this to their customers!! I'm sure they would be screaming blue murder if someone did the same to them.

When all else fails, remember Karma. The Universe will eventually catch up with them :)

One thing I should add to that list of tips, always keep all communication within the job. Never discuss on PM's, skype etc. It's the only way arbitration can see everything you've spoken about. If you do need to do screen sharing or skype or whatever, record a video or audio of it and attach it in the job. 


Yeah, that is very much bad luck mate. And as I said earlier, I know you can never catch all bugs before you complete the job. And no, there is no way to take back a review unfortunately. It does really annoy me that people do this to their customers!! I'm sure they would be screaming blue murder if someone did the same to them.

When all else fails, remember Karma. The Universe will eventually catch up with them :)

One thing I should add to that list of tips, always keep all communication within the job. Never discuss on PM's, skype etc. It's the only way arbitration can see everything you've spoken about. If you do need to do screen sharing or skype or whatever, record a video or audio of it and attach it in the job. 

Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions. 

Hope next time I will catch up them.

Take care Mate.

Rgds, Pankaj 


Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions. 

Hope next time I will catch up them.

Take care Mate.

Rgds, Pankaj 

Welcome mate - good luck! :)

I think you can investigate the track record of the coder..... observe and check the profile.

I have not had any coding done yet....... however from interactions with some people I have already discerned who I may use when the time comes.

We can ask people how they guaranty their work.

Best to do some serious investigation before placing an order, having to use the service desk as an arbitrator is time consuming.