Maths problem help


Feeling stupid because I just cannot work it out, and wonder if anyone here can give me a hand?

I want to work out the following for a spreadsheet calculation


If the average of my shorts are   8 lots at 12067 price level

And the average of my longs are  5 lots at 11979 price level

What level is my break even?  


*Calculation formula needed, as I have a lovely indicator that gives me this figure in realtime

on my charts, but I want to put the calculation on my spreadsheet for a projectory basis.


Just can't work it out, so any help very much appreciated.




Feeling stupid because I just cannot work it out, and wonder if anyone here can give me a hand?

Hiya Kate

OK, I'll give it a go! ;)

Assuming your spread sheet looks like this

1Sell LotsSell Price
2Buy LotsBuy Price


 So in your example:


 Your calculation cell would be:



So in your example, the breakeven would be 12033.15

I haven't checked it thoroughly so let me know if that doesn't work and I'll give it another shot :D



So in your example, the breakeven would be 12033.15

It is wrong. at this price, both buy and sell have profit.

Check this method:

A (Lots)B (Price)C (Lots*Price)

BE = SUM(C1:C2)/SUM(A1:A2)

BE = 12213,67

If number of lots for BUY and for SELL is equal than BE level doesn't exist. 


Base on my calculations this is what I got 12012 

12067-11979= 88

88x5= 440

88x8 = 704





12067 -55 =12012

So there you got the breakeven number


Please be advise you said break even you didn't mention spread on pair 


BE = 12213,67

it is ok if have no spread and swap.
It is wrong. at this price, both buy and sell have profit.

Ahh yes, that's what I get for trying maths problems too late at night :)

My equation is actually still correct, but the sell lots should have been negated (ie -8, not +8). You then get the BE of 12213.67. And as FT said, if lots are equal there is no BE and both his equation and mine will fail with a DIV 0 error. So you would need to also put a check in for that.

So if you have negative sell lots: 

=IF(A1+A2=0,"No Breakeven Possible",B1-((B1-B2)/(A1+A2))*A2)

Great team work :)