Adding stop loss on signals without stop loss?

There are a few signals I'm interested in but they don't use stop loss.  Is it possible for me to add stop loss on the signals or does that have to originate from the source?
There are a few signals I'm interested in but they don't use stop loss.  Is it possible for me to add stop loss on the signals or does that have to originate from the source?
Can't say I've ever tried to manual add a stop to a signal generated order - have you given it a try? I'd say it would be possible but the problem would be that if your order does get stopped out, the order would be re-opened when the signal re-synchs and sees that you don't have that order open
There are a few signals I'm interested in but they don't use stop loss.  Is it possible for me to add stop loss on the signals or does that have to originate from the source?

Hello friend,

Whatever said by Filter, that's true. You can add tp, sl or can close the positions also. But after closed the position, same order will be open to match with signal provider's account. So, no benefit. 

You can check from your end easily to get more knowledge about signal activities, if you really interested to follow the signal.

Open an demo account and subscribe a signal which is for demo, then you can apply your all the questions to demo account and get the actual result. 

Wish you best of luck.

Thanks, Pankaj 

Yes. I've tried that. What Filter and nirob76 said is true. 
Yes. I've tried that. What Filter and nirob76 said is true. 
Cheers mate