Do you really satisfied with freelancer, who works for you?

  • 36% (20)
  • 52% (29)
  • 12% (7)
Total voters: 56

I am not satisfied, I had post my first job to create an EA, Some freelancer bid the price and I had choose some one, as per agreement within 2 days bound to delivered my product but its already delay. 

(If I am not mistake) So far I know, there is no system in the MQL5 rules to penalty issue to a freelancer. If buyer did not get the product due time, can put arbitration, in that case, buyer will get his amount back after 10% deduction, but here problem creator is freelancer who fail to meet the deed.

So, If there is a system for penalty to bidder also, hope this problem will be less and freelancer will deeply think before agreement. 


I am not satisfied, I had post my first job to create an EA, Some freelancer bid the price and I had choose some one, as per agreement within 2 days bound to delivered my product but its already delay. 

(If I am not mistake) So far I know, there is no system in the MQL5 rules to penalty issue to a freelancer. If buyer did not get the product due time, can put arbitration, in that case, buyer will get his amount back after 10% deduction, but here problem creator is freelancer who fail to meet the deed.

So, If there is a system for penalty to bidder also, hope this problem will be less and freelancer will deeply think before agreement. 

A delay can always happens. A professional freelancer should communicate with you to explain the issue. If you are already thinking to call for arbitration after 2 days, I doubt you will never be satisfied with the freelance service. You have to communicate with your freelancer and be patient. Posting here publicly is probably not the best way to proceed.

Though I am not sure what you can expect as EA for 10-20$. If you want quality you probably have to pay for quality.


A delay can always happens. A professional freelancer should communicate with you to explain the issue. If you are already thinking to call for arbitration after 2 days, I doubt you will never be satisfied with the freelance service. You have to communicate with your freelancer and be patient. Posting here publicly is probably not the best way to proceed.

Though I am not sure what you can expect as EA for 10-20$. If you want quality you probably have to pay for quality.

Thanks for your comment. You are right, delay can be happen and its very simple. 

But If the freelancer did not response the message within a day and not updating the situation, even not inform the delay reason, what should I think in that situation?

After several times knock, If the freelancer inform me, he is busy with others work, he need 2-3 days more, which means working week over, as a buyer how should I feel?

You mentioned about price, If job posting with rate 10 to 20$ budget and 3-4 freelancer bid the 20$ price, what does it mean? They are accepting this job within this price or joking for this low price?

Offered to complete within 1 to 3 days, but freelancer committed, 2 days is enough for the job and then after agreement take a week to complete, what does mean about agreement ? 

Here I am not hitting to freelance dept, Every place some people stay present to spoil the reputation. Maybe some people looking for earning only and taking overload pressure but not meet the deed. Its true. 

Bottom line is: If is there any wrong with my post here publicly, I am sorry for that, but what is my opinion, If the community rules more strong about this type of freelancer, that will be a positive for the MQL5 also. 

Buyer satisfaction also most important part of this section.

N.B. My job post for 3 moving average crossover EA, which is availabe in the market absolutely free but I need own with some modification.

Thanks a lot and would appreciate your any advice to me.

Your advice and comments is really helpful for me to know more.

B/Rgds, Pankaj 



I'm going to have to agree with Pankaj here. Happened to me twice when I had some small jobs I needed doing that I didn't have time to do myself and it's incredibly frustrating (and costly as the customer still gets hit with a 10% fee). And I don't go for the cheapest or quickest coder either.

Freelancers: If the job is worth more than $20, then don't bid for it at $20. Bid for what the job is worth. If it will take you a week, then say it will take you a week, not 2 days. Any reasonable person understands that there may be unforeseen delays but all you need to do is simply communicate with your customer! The frustration and anger comes when the coders won't even bother replying to customers enquiries (happened to me both times as well). It's not only unprofessional, it's simply rude. And it gives the entire freelance section a bad name (which it doesn't deserve as there are many truly awesome coders on MQL5).


I'm going to have to agree with Pankaj here. Happened to me twice when I had some small jobs I needed doing that I didn't have time to do myself and it's incredibly frustrating (and costly as the customer still gets hit with a 10% fee). And I don't go for the cheapest or quickest coder either.

Freelancers: If the job is worth more than $20, then don't bid for it at $20. Bid for what the job is worth. If it will take you a week, then say it will take you a week, not 2 days. Any reasonable person understands that there may be unforeseen delays but all you need to do is simply communicate with your customer! The frustration and anger comes when the coders won't even bother replying to customers enquiries (happened to me both times as well). It's not only unprofessional, it's simply rude. And it gives the entire freelance section a bad name (which it doesn't deserve as there are many truly awesome coders on MQL5).

Thanks Dear Stuart, 

I am always very care about my post and topic. I am here to learn more and like to stay continue.

If some unprofessional freelancer spoil the goodwill for the hole dept, Admin must take the solution. I hope, who love this community, everybody will be expecting more goodwill for this community.

If buyer not satisfied with freelancer and personally arrange the coder from other place, this is definitely not a good sign for our community.

If community take the action for this type of problem, I hope those freelancer will be more careful about their job and both party will enjoy smooth environment.

For every single problem there is a solution. Just need cooperation. If someone follow the same, no one will be disappointed. 


p.s. Just so that there's no misunderstandings, I wasn't haveing a go at you Alain, just stating my experiences which align with Pankaj. I include you in the list I mentioned above of awesome, professional MQL coders 
Cheap things are expensive. so go in for the best paid freelancers not cheap once.
p.s. Just so that there's no misunderstandings, I wasn't haveing a go at you Alain, just stating my experiences which align with Pankaj. I include you in the list I mentioned above of awesome, professional MQL coders 

Understand and thanks a lot.


Cheap things are expensive. so go in for the best paid freelancers not cheap once.
As mentioned above Francis, this is not necessarily a solution to the problem. I never go for the cheapest freelancers and always check references and previous jobs they have done. But the same thing happened to me both times. It's about freelancers living up to their end of the deal and communicating with customers. Pretty simple.

I will not answer to each post individually as I come back after some good discussions.

1° We can't take 1 experience and generalize it to all the freelancers and to the service itself. If I understood well, nirob76 don't have any news from his freelancer for 2/3 days, that can means a lot of things. Maybe he is sick, dead ? Maybe he got an accident or his wife got a baby ? Maybe he can't do the job ? Maybe it's a bad coder, who knows ? It already happens to me to not answer t a customer for several days as I was sick. That happens.

2° There are a lot of freelancers in the Service, with a lot of different skills and experience. There are profesionnals, true one, there are also those who claims they are professionnals but in fact they don't have the skills. There are amateurs, which participate as amateur, there are beginners, etc...It's to the customer to make his choice, to study the profile and the history of the participants. Not an easy task.

3° About the price, there are freelancers all around the world, so there is some objective reasons for the price difference. I am living in Belgium which is one of the most expensive country in the world, obviously I can't compete with some very good coders who are living in India or in a country where the cost of live is low.
But there is also other reason for the difference in price, that's the skills, the experience, the service offered. In my opinion you can't expect a good work for an EA while you are paying 10/20 USD. These jobs can only be done by amateurs, for which the price is not so important, and who are trying to increase their skills and experience.

4° Pankaj : There is no problem to talk on the forum(nothing against the rules), all what I said is it's better to settle the problem with the freelancer. If a customer comes to complain publicly on the forum I would not be very happy.

Best regards to all.