ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 152

Alexey Viktorov #:

That's not what I mean. So they put their banknotes in our bank, but we converted them into roubles and paid for the gas, but the banknotes remained in the bank. Then we ask them to sell the BMW for their banknotes, and the answer is ... you know what. But if you sell the Bechu first, you get the rubles for which you can buy gas, it's a completely different relationship and a completely different exchange rate. And it's not just about rubles, it's about the currency of any country. I have already talked about Turkey. So many of our tourists go there, they would have no problem paying for gas in roubles if they were to take roubles for payment, not as they do now, semi-legally, but for hotels quite officially in their accounts.

How will they stay there. For example, I had USD 1000 in one wallet and RUB 0 in the other. Converted dollars into roubles and put them into a rouble wallet. You will have $0 in the dollar wallet and $1,000* in the rouble wallet at the conversion rate.


The first point in the decree says - payment in roubles. All other clauses in the decree only clarify details and they cannot contradict the 1st clause.


Paying for their goods in roubles is fine. But they are unlikely to do so. We have a positive balance of payments. We export more than we import. They cannot get that much ruble for their products, even if they sell them for ruble. But they are not forbidden to do so and to pay gas bills directly in roubles into a rouble account without any conversion. In order to earn more rubles they need to create enterprises that work in Russia and trade in our domestic market for rubles. And these rubles should not be exported abroad (in the form of dollars or euros), but left inside the country to pay for gas.


Oil prepares for biggest weekly loss in 2 years


According to the unpacking of strategic stocks in the six-month period.


Probably half a year the Bears will be happy, but one has to realise that at the end of the road or maybe even in the middle of it there will be sharply honed bull horns waiting for them.

Apparently the rebound will be monstrously significant, most likely a baby gentle 100 level will pierce upwards like a papyrus pierces a curved Turkish Damascus steel sabre, further piercing the hope{plies only not above 140}.

And then a level below 140 could be a wishful dream for a long time to come.

Looks like the oil bears will have to act very cautiously jumping from candle to candle on soft paws, while being very careful to cover their arses, risking big fat sturdy horns.

as history shows the level of 150 is not that ridiculous

Нефть готовится к самой большой недельной потере за 2 года
Нефть готовится к самой большой недельной потере за 2 года
  • 2022.04.01
  • Profinance.Ru
Высвобождение запасов может обеспечить лишь временное снижение цен, считают аналитики. Но Шанхай остается закрыт
Vitalii Ananev #:

How will they stay there. For example, there was $1,000 in one wallet and 0 roubles in the other. I converted the dollars to roubles and put them in the rouble wallet. The dollar wallet will have $0, and the rouble wallet will have 1000* by the conversion rate.


The first point in the decree says - payment in roubles. All other clauses in the decree only clarify details and they cannot contradict the 1st clause.


Paying for their goods in roubles is fine. But they are unlikely to do so. We have a positive balance of payments. We export more than we import. They cannot get that much ruble for their products even if they sell them for ruble. But they are not forbidden to do so and to pay gas bills directly in roubles into a rouble account without any conversion. In order to earn more rubles they need to create enterprises that work in Russia and trade in our domestic market for rubles. And these rubles should not be exported abroad (in the form of dollars or euros), but left inside the country to pay for gas.

No, Vitaly, I was not talking about pockets or wallets. I was talking about the bank, and the bank does not have 2 wallets 1 of currency and 1 of roubles. According to your example, when the foreign currency account has 0 currency notes and the ruble account gets paid, the bank will still have the currency notes. Or in some other bank. In this case, it doesn't make any difference at all which one.

And yes, if they don't have enough rubles from the sale of their goods, then some of the banknotes can be accepted that way too... After all, if we don't supply gas to Ecuador, but we buy bananas, then these banknotes can be spent on that...

Alexey Viktorov #:

No Vitaly, I wasn't talking about pockets or wallets. I was talking about the bank, and the bank doesn't have two wallets - one in currency and one in roubles. According to your example, when the foreign currency account has 0 currency notes and the ruble account gets paid, the bank will still have the currency notes. Or in some other bank. In this case, it doesn't make any difference at all which one.

And yes, if they don't have enough rubles from the sale of their goods, some of these coins can also be accepted this way... After all, if we don't supply gas to Ecuador, but we buy bananas, then these coins can be spent on that...

I don't understand what you are saying. They say if something goes down, something has come up. If you go the other way around, if there's a gain, then there's a loss.


Here's two accounts, or two pockets or two wallets belonging to one person. Account "B" will be a currency account, account "P" will be a ruble account. Initially they have zero money in them. Both accounts are opened for a company buying goods. The buyer transferred 1,000 coins to the "B" account in order to pay. Now "B" = 1,000 and "P" = 0. The buyer decided to pay for the goods and gave the corresponding order. Let's assume the exchange rate of 1 to 1. Now the account "B" = 0 sticks, the account "P" = 1000 rubles. Then the bank transfers the money from the "P" account to the seller (the money has gone into the pocket of the other). As a result, "P" = 0, "P" = 0, the seller of the product has +1000 roubles on his account. Everyone is happy. The buyer has received the goods, the seller has received the money, the bank has received its commission, and the "C" and "P" accounts are all empty.

Vitalii Ananev #:

I don't understand what you are saying. They say that if you lose somewhere, you gain somewhere. If you go the other way around, if there's a gain, then there's a loss.


Here's two accounts, or two pockets or two wallets belonging to one person. Account "B" will be a currency account, account "P" will be a ruble account. Initially they have zero money in them. Both accounts are opened for a company buying goods. The buyer transferred 1,000 coins to the "B" account in order to pay. Now "B" = 1,000 and "P" = 0. The buyer decided to pay for the goods and gave the corresponding order. Let's assume the exchange rate of 1 to 1. Now the account "B" = 0 sticks, the account "P" = 1000 rubles. Then the bank transfers the money from the "P" account to the seller (the money has gone into the pocket of the other). As a result, "P" = 0, "P" = 0, the seller of the product has +1000 roubles on his account. Everyone is happy. The buyer has received the goods, the seller has received the money, the bank has received its commission, the "C" and "P" accounts are all empty.

Problems together with the currency go to the buyer who bought the currency (it does not dissolve in the air!), at the exchange or wherever the bank converted it .

So when you buy currency on the exchange you can buy its problems too :)


"Gazprom continues to supply gas for transit through Ukraine as normal


The supply is in line with the requests of European consumers - 108.4m cu.m. as of 3 April, which on the whole corresponds to the supplies under the long-term reservation (about 109.5m cu.m. per day).

The day before, Gazpromsaid that the contract for 2022 envisages the transit of 40bn cu.m. of gas through Ukraine.



108.4 mln cubic meters per day as of April 3

in the amount of 40bn cu.m. - year



Apparently the stoppage so far is only rhetoric in the minds of politicians.

But business is doing just that: supply is in line with requests from European consumers

"Газпром" штатно продолжает подачу газа для транзита через Украину
"Газпром" штатно продолжает подачу газа для транзита через Украину
"Газпром" продолжает штатную подачу газа для транзита через Украину в Европу. Об этом рассказал официальный представитель компании Сергей Куприянов, сообщает ТАСС. По словам Куприянова, подача идет в соответствии с заявками европейских потребителей - 108,4 млн кубометров на 3...
Artyom Trishkin #:
MA with period MN1

Well yes! that would be, for sure, a reliable direction in the forecast.

Vitalii Ananev #:

I don't understand what you are saying. They say that if you lose somewhere, you gain somewhere. If you go the other way around, if there's a gain, then there's a loss.


Here's two accounts, or two pockets or two wallets belonging to one person. Account "B" will be a currency account, account "P" will be a ruble account. Initially they have zero money in them. Both accounts are opened for a company buying goods. The buyer transferred 1,000 coins to the "B" account in order to pay. Now "B" = 1,000 and "P" = 0. The buyer decided to pay for the commodity and gave the corresponding order. Let's assume the exchange rate of 1 to 1. Now the account "B" = 0 sticks, the account "P" = 1000 rubles. Then the bank transfers the money from the "P" account to the seller (the money has gone into the pocket of the other bank). As a result, "P" = 0, "P" = 0, the seller of the product has +1000 roubles on his account. Everyone is happy. The buyer has received the goods, the seller has received the money, the bank has received its commission and the "C" and "P" accounts are all empty.

In the accounts, yes, zero. And in the bank, there are 1,000 pieces of money received from the buyer. The bank exchanged its available rubles for the buyer's banknotes. This can be the bank in which the "B" and "P" accounts are opened, as well as any other bank, up to the central bank, which is involved in this conversion. The result is that if nothing is sold with these notes, there will be an incredible amount of them, but a billion more of the same notes will be made in the buyer's country. And again they will pay for the gas.

SanAlex #:

Well yes! that would be, for sure, a reliable direction in forecasting.

The real past is difficult to change, although if you delete or tweak it on the Internet it's easy, the DEL and EDIT rights are a wonderful tool to change the past :)

I always find it funny when a young guy says "open the internet and read it :) - and at the same time this dude obviously has little understanding of the structure of the internet

Everything on it is stored on magnetic disks :))) The only question is who owns the disk.

I've seen YouTube go missing a lot of clearly unpleasant material for its owners ) But the same goes for the other side.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

The real past is difficult to change, although if you delete or tweak it on the Internet it's easy, the DEL and EDIT rights are a wonderful tool to change the past :)

I always find it funny when a young guy says "open the internet and read it :) - and he clearly doesn't understand how the internet works :)

Everything on it is stored on magnetic disks :))) The only question is who owns the disk.

I often saw unpleasant materials disappearing from YouTube for their owners)

Of course, you can't change the past, but the past is a situation with which you can predict what may happen in the future.