ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 59


SberCIB analysts have calculated when the dollar could fall to RUB 68.

The liquid portion of the National Wealth Fund (NWF) could exceed the 10% of GDP threshold in 2023, SberCIB analysts expect. This threshold is important because free NWF funds in excess of 10% of GDP could be invested. By the beginning of next year, the liquid part of NWF will exceed this limit by at least $19 billion, which can be spent on various projects.

Investments from the NWF will, by definition, support the rouble. As assets of the fund are denominated in foreign currencies, the Ministry of Finance would need to exchange them into roubles in order to invest in infrastructure. According to SberCIB's optimistic scenario, the premium for geopolitical risks in the ruble exchange rate would be significantly reduced by that point. "In this case, the ruble could strengthen to 68 [rubles] per dollar," analysts said.

Read more at RBC:

Уничтожение экономик России и ЕС, когда ждать ₽68 за $1. Главное за ночь
Уничтожение экономик России и ЕС, когда ждать ₽68 за $1. Главное за ночь
  • 2022.02.15
  • Наталья Демченко
Сценарий самоуничтожения экономик России и ЕС, когда ждать доллар за 68 руб., «Яндекс» отказал Mediascope в установке счетчиков и сам будет считать аудиторию для Роскомнадзора — в обзоре главных новостей на РБК Ученые из Венского института международных экономических исследований описали возможные сценарии и потенциальные последствия...

The S&P500 went up on the good news:

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
What is PIC ?

"Tin-lead solder" ;)

PapaYozh #:

"Tin-lead solder" ;)

How's it going to work here? :)

JRandomTrader #:

And how will it work here? :)

You could solder a BUTP (trade position control unit) :)

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

It is a good idea to do a post-weekly analysis of the rhetoric and its impact on the instruments. At least for regular ones, like business FM. After all, radio news is a filtered type of already happened events.

It's hard to discuss the details of the rhetoric, immediately turn on the sauna, strip them naked and give them a sheet with a broom.

But what is interesting, listening to the radio on-line I even have time to turn over positions or close them, the upcoming events are often discussed on the radio in advance.

Yesterday I got into buy, on a positive political backdrop, and very encouraging rhetoric


The workers near the former MSK hotel, not far from the cobblestone square, decided on something and sent a petition to be signed.

Hence the rise + SP500 up yesterday.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

It's hard to discuss the details of the rhetoric here, they immediately turn on the sauna, strip them naked and give them a sheet with a broom.

But what is interesting, listening to on-line radio I even have time to reverse positions or close, often the upcoming events are discussed on the radio in advance.

If I want to get something similar to the odds I cannot do without analysing the history. It is clear that estimation is aggressive, calm, not calm, disturbing, convincing, not convincing is difficult, but it may be possible to find some correlations. Of course manual labour is rarely grateful, but anything is possible).


Nikkei index closes lower amid {***** removed annoying word *******} crisis, US rate hike expectations

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan'sNikkei stock index ended Tuesday's session at its lowest since early this month amid expectations of aggressive rate hikes in the United States and fears over the impact of a potential {****** here a terribly annoying word and letters ***** }

The Nikkei index fell 0.79% to 26,865.19 points, closing at its lowest level since 28 January.

The broaderTopix index fell 0.83 per cent to 1,914.70 points.

"As far as the (Nikkei) index is concerned, I think we are close to the lowest level," said a market participant from a Japanese stock company.

"However, expectations of higher interest rates in the US have made it difficult to buy in the market."

{ ********* There's a lot of red words here - not in line with the religion of the forum, for which they send to the baths ****************** }

Kubota Corp,Recruit Holdings Co (T:6098) Ltd and MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc were the leaders of the decline, falling 12.62%, 12.46% and 5.78% respectively.

(Reuters Tokyo bureau. Translated by Caleb Davis. Editor Anna Kozlova)

Индекс TOPIX (TOPX) —
Индекс TOPIX (TOPX) —
  • 2022.02.15
Подробная информация об индексе TOPIX (TOPX), включающая графики, технический анализ, компоненты и другое.
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Nikkei index closes lower amid {***** removed annoying word *******} crisis, US rate hike expectations

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan'sNikkei stock index ended Tuesday's session at its lowest since early this month amid expectations of aggressive rate hikes in the United States and fears over the impact of a potential {****** here a terribly annoying word and letters ***** }

The Nikkei index fell 0.79% to 26,865.19 points, closing at its lowest level since 28 January.

The Nikkei took more than its share today. in MetaTrader 5


There is talk on FM radio that the US market could be in for something like 2008 - down for the long haul.

There is also talk that the Russian market is now attractive with low levels and good dividend payouts.

Sber is a beauty - the dividends will be very sweet.

The rumour is that the Russian stock market is running scared, but there are no events. all that rhetoric and went up.