Is that possible? - page 5

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

DLL-based panel (500 lines of MQL), columns are drag and drop, sorted, click to open the desired terminal tab and other features. 500 lines, which are mainly engaged in data collection.

In GUI exclusively in MQL there will be drastically more code.

The fact that it's easier and shorter with DLL, I'm saying it's perfectly reasonable and it's all tried and tested in practice.

I'm not arguing that it's easier to do this on the Win API. But it's essentially an add-on to the application. And you have to put a flag to allow the DLL. In my opinion this is unnecessary, despite all the convenience of development. You make it convenient, but the user ends up fiddling with the settings.

Basically, you could do this if you're willing. But I, for example, don't useWin API in my applications, because they won't pass the test in the Market.

Mihail Matkovskij #:

This is how programmers do it:

And this is the first thing I came across. If that's not enough, you can explore the standard MQL libraries, there's both vertical and horizontal scrolling. All you need.

Here's the whole list of results I found without thinking too much:!keyword=%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%83%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0

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is this possible?

prog_ass, 2021.12.16 19:54

they have a minimum here of 30 quid. and what they have to do costs a fraction of that

The question is rather that you have studied it all, made libraries and then are ready to do it for "times less" than minimal price on freelance? Also, along with poking around and fixing the code for the programmer who couldn't handle it and quit?

Vasiliy Pushkaryov #:

The question is rather, have you learnt it all, made libraries and then are you willing to do it for "times less" than the freelance minimum? Plus, along with picking and fixing code for a programmer who couldn't cope and gave it up?

As I said above, the difficulty is not in the rework itself, but in parsing the source code. It may be complicated or written in a messy, unreadable way. You may have to redo something (this happens sometimes). And if the programmer does not know how the user interface elements must be designed, then you have to learn. And there is no sense in undertaking such work. And this is not about the price of the issue.

Mihail Matkovskij #:

I don't argue that it's easier to do this on the Win API. But it's essentially an add-on to the application. And you have to put a flag to allow the DLL to work. In my opinion, this is unnecessary, despite all the convenience of development. You make it convenient, but the user ends up fiddling with the settings.

Basically, you could do this if you're willing. But I, for example, don't useWin API in my applications because they won't pass check in Market.

Not relevant to the topic of course...the GUI is basically an "add on top of the application". Technology has gone the way of separating appearance from functionality, a modern application is a web (or browser based) application - business logic separately, appearance, of which there can be more than one, separately. Let the robot write/read/maintain something like redis, it's simple. And there are half of the internet examples to hang a GUI from the data in redis :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

Not relevant to the topic of course...GUI is basically an "add on top of the application". Technology has gone the way of separating appearance from functionality, a modern application is a web (or browser-based) application - business logic separate, views, of which there may be more than one, separate. Let the robot write/read/maintain something like redis, it's simple. Half of internet is full of examples to make GUI from data in redis :-)

Ideally a modern application should have not only GUI but also voice control. And help and command execution, as they say, are two in one. In fact, the application should be equipped with a robot, like Alice. Then, the user will only have to say what he wants, and the robot will do everything for him. And there would be no need to understand everything and study a mountain of reference documentation.

Mihail Matkovskij #:

As I said above, the difficulty is not in the rework itself, but in sorting out the source code. It may be complicated, or written in a crooked, unreadable way. You may have to redo something (and it happens). And if the programmer does not know how the user interface elements must be designed, then you have to learn. And there is no sense in undertaking such work. And this is not about the price of the issue.

You can see even from the screenshot that there is a lot of work to be done. The table has no visual headers/borders/definitions, and the elements have "moved away" behind the screen, so they're probably all by themselves, not packed in any container and are not a single entity programmatically. And you have to track the geometry of the window and read the visibility+coordinates of each. Sunset by hand. Or rewrite

Mihail Matkovskij #:

Ideally, a modern application should not only have a graphical interface, but also voice control. And help and command execution, as they say, are two in one. In essence, the application should be equipped with a robot, like Alice. Then, the user will only have to say what he wants, and the robot will do everything for him. And there will be no need to understand everything and study a mountain of reference documentation.

The above panel was inspired by, and was originally able to talk. In the process, the voice functions were removed as a nuisance.

Алиса (интеграция с Яндекс станциями)
Алиса (интеграция с Яндекс станциями)
  • 2021.09.24
Добрый день! Вопрос такой, кто-нибудь в курсе как можно из кода советника заставить яндекс станцию произнести какую либо фразу...
Maxim Kuznetsov #:

even from the screenshot you can see that there is a lot of work to be done... The table has no visual headers/borders/definitions and the elements have "moved" off the screen, which means that they are most likely self-contained, not packed in any container and are not a single entity programmatically. And you have to track the geometry of the window and read the visibility+coordinates of each. Sunset by hand. Or rewrite.

Exactly. He couldn't even do the window height change. For components based on CAppDialog it's a real challenge... You have to set the full height of the window there, depending on the new estimated height of the client area. But everything is possible if you want to. Another thing is that the customers don't want to pay normally. Everyone is looking for something cheaper. That's why they come across appropriate coders. :)

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

the above panel was inspired by and originally capable of talking. In use, the voice functions were removed as interfering.

Yes, yes. It's a familiar situation. When Windows 1 came out, everyone spat similarly. :) They said that graphical shell was just a waste of resources which were few at the time comparing to modern PC. But time passed and everybody used only graphical shells (except servers and other professional software).


a dozen lines of code for scolling on pure mql

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