Why do prices move in the same direction but with a lag on correlated instruments? - page 5

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

I don't get it at all, can you give me a simple example?

Didn't notice the highlighting.

For example, on Forts, there is the original instrument Eu - Euro, its synthetic counterpart can be made up of Si am Dollar and ED - Euro/Dollar

And trade the natural against the synthetic.

Eu = Si * ED


By the way, on the FOREX, a lot of synthetic instruments can be made up.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

So set it up.

I'm not your brother or brother-in-law to poke you!

Read what you write carefully!

prostotrader #:

I'm not your brother-in-law and I'm not your brother to poke you!

Read what they say!

Exactly, you're nothing to me at all.

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Exactly, you're nothing to me at all.

Dismissed, PENEC!

prostotrader #:

Dismissed, PENEC!

So who's the parsley?

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Who's the parsley?

Can't you read?

You're just waiting for someone to argue with you.

You're pathetic!

prostotrader #:

Didn't notice the highlighting.

For example, on Forts, there is the original instrument Eu - Euro, its synthetic counterpart can be made up of Si am. dollar and ED - Euro/Dollar

And trade the natural against the synthetic.

As far as I understand, we take the euro/ruble against the euro index?

What is the secret of this action?

prostotrader #:


By the way, on the FOREX, a lot of synthetic tools can be made up.

Just to be clever)). The difference won't be more than the spread, you won't make any profit from it.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

As far as I understand, taking the euro/ruble against the euro index?

What is the secret of this action?

From mathematics and ordinary logic, it follows that the price of the Original and Synthetic instruments should be equal,

but for many reasons, there is a delta from which you can make a profit.

It takes 10 minutes to write an indicator to check this and you will see for yourself.

prostotrader #:

From mathematics and ordinary logic, it follows that the price of the Original and Synthetic instruments should be equal,

but for many reasons there is a delta from which a profit can be made.

For what reasons? By virtue of your imagination?