Random wandering - page 30

PapaYozh #:

He also shared:"Addicted to financial markets is worse than alcohol. "

Ah, it's Friday! Vova, I'm sorry, it's your day, you can say whatever you want.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
I want you to do the same, share a thought for once.

Hello, my soft and fluffy pet.

Do you want me to pet you all the time?

I'm old. My arms hurt to stroke you all the time.)

Of course, it is possible to play with the volume of the transaction and get acceptable pictures of the change in balance in the eagle:

But the risk of loss is not going anywhere.
Sergey Gridnev #:
But the risk of loss doesn't go away.

Thanks for the analysis and the correct approach in understanding the question.

It is better for the casino to have a zero than a few blacks or reds in a row.


the optimal strategy "for casinos" is to increase the bet after zero.

read already ter.ver

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

the optimal strategy "for casinos" is to increase the bet after zeros.

read already ter.ver.

О. Ter.ver in casinos has been specifically studied by experts.

Increasing the bet after zeroes is the casino's potential loot.

No one would allow the casino to record bets on a computer or phone.

Well, if they do not hammer their fingers (just kidding) if noticed. They will.

Watch your fingers, boys!

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

the optimal strategy "for casinos" is to increase the bet after zeros.

Read the ter.ver.

And what's in it for you? Finish reading the ter-ver))

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

What's in it for you? Finish your Terver))

There is a high probability of losing fingers for those who did not study TV well in their time.


Yes, I forgot to say that the casinos are not completely stupid (in the sense of not seen in the eyes of TV), but the financial markets are already in line prepared) who checked the TV at the casino.

Well, it's kind of invisible to beginners, but it's very visible to others..,