Has the time for freezing funds changed? - page 5

Alexander Bereznyak:

this happens when the rules of payment services are tightened, MQs are hedged against

in case the payment service cancels the payment

The freeze is not related to the 'payment' event in any way in the freelance service. The start of the countdown and the duration is determined solely by the Metacvot's wishes

Evgenii Derepenko:

It would also be possible to shoehorn in a cancellation via the same palaver.

Wasn't the 7 days enough time to "oboot"?

Arkadii Zagorulko:

Not sure if the funds have not been credited, well something is clearly wrong :)

Answer from the service desk:


The payment is under disputing of an external system. Once it will be done it will be released or canceled.

Unfortunately we can not provide any more details

The work is completed without arbitration, no claims from the customer. It took 14 days.

Apparently, the trading result did not meet expectations; he decided to refund the money somehow. But what does this have to do with me fulfilling the order in good faith?

Arkadii Zagorulko:

Response from the service desk:

Work completed without arbitration, no complaints from the customer. 14 days have passed.

Apparently the trading result did not meet expectations and decided to return the money somehow. But what does this have to do with me fulfilling the order in good faith?

The Freelance service is not only responsible for providing all the procedures of searching for performers/customers, the stages of implementation, acceptance of payment and payment for the work performed, but also for all the associated financial costs and risks.

It is only from the outside that everything seems to work by itself and without effort. In reality, there are many routine operations that are not visible to the client and the contractor. This includes having to deal with a flood of mutual checks on payment systems, requests to cancel dubious transactions, appeals against payments and so on.

Banks and payment systems may in some cases cancel transactions even after 30 days of payment. In this case, no one will enter into the fact that it was a payment for work done by mutual agreement of the parties.

If you want to have a 100% guarantee for the work done, make a written contract, notarized, describe all the procedures in detail. All this extra work will take time and money orders of magnitude more than the executed order. Still, a situation may arise when the customer will claim that the work done does not comply with the terms of reference. Finding an adequate customer and contractor is a problem in any business.

Rashid Umarov:

The Freelance service undertakes not only the provision of all the procedures for searching for performers/customers, carrying out the execution phases, accepting payment and crediting for the completed work, but also all the associated financial costs and risks.

It is only from the outside that everything seems to work by itself and without effort. In reality, there are many routine operations that are not visible to the client and the contractor. This includes having to deal with a flood of mutual checks on payment systems, requests to cancel dubious transactions, appeals against payments and so on.

Banks and payment systems may in some cases cancel transactions even after 30 days of payment. In this case, no one will go into the fact that it was a payment for work done by mutual agreement between the parties.

If you want to have a 100% guarantee for the work done, make a written contract, notarize it, describe all the procedures in detail. All this extra work will take time and money orders of magnitude more than the executed order. Still, a situation may arise when the customer will claim that the work done does not comply with the terms of reference. Finding an adequate customer and contractor is a problem in any business.

This is understandable. Well be on the edge in this situation is also not very nice.

Okay there would be a customer did not like something in my work.

Maybe we should raise a commission, which could cover this kind of problems.

Please do not let this situation slide, for this money I give the most valuable thing a person has - time.

Rashid Umarov:

The Freelance service undertakes not only the provision of all the procedures for searching for performers/customers, carrying out the execution phases, accepting payment and crediting for the completed work, but also all the associated financial costs and risks.

It is only from the outside that everything seems to work by itself and without effort. In reality, there are many routine operations that are not visible to the client and the contractor. This includes having to deal with a flood of mutual checks on payment systems, requests to cancel dubious transactions, appeals against payments and so on.

Banks and payment systems may in some cases cancel transactions even after 30 days of payment. In this case, no one will go into the fact that it was a payment for work done by mutual agreement between the parties.

If you want to have a 100% guarantee for the work done, make a written contract, notarized, describe all the procedures in detail. All this extra work will take time and money orders of magnitude more than the executed order. Still, a situation may arise when the customer will claim that the work done does not comply with the terms of reference. Finding an adequate customer and contractor is a problem in any business.

Yes, you have described everything correctly, that's what performers pay for - a commission from their payments, for the service provided by your company.
Everyone has their own job and if a Freelancer has done their job perfectly, paid a commission, they also want to get service now from you,
as the organization they paid for the intermediary services.
And if the conditions of cooperation and conditions of service provision change, a person who uses these services has the right to know about these changes and to make decisions for himself - whether these new conditions of service provision fit him or not.

Just saying nothing without explanation is not the right thing to do...

Let's see if the additional 7 days of payment verification will improve the service provided by your site and your company for Freelancers.

Arkadii Zagorulko:

It's understandable. Well, it's not very pleasant to be the last man standing in this situation either.

If there was a customer who didn't like my work, that would be fine.

Perhaps it is worth raising a commission, which could cover this kind of problems.

Please do not let this situation slide, for this money I give the most valuable thing a person has - time.

I see that you quoted from a previous answer, but I'm not sure if you read it, so I will highlight the answers to your questions

Q1.Ok there is a customer did not like my work.

A1. Banks and payment systems may in some cases cancel transactions even after 30 days from the date of payment. In this case, no one will enter into the fact that it was a payment for work performed by mutual agreement of the parties.

If I have understood correctly, the client has cancelled his payment.

Q2. Perhaps it is worth raising a commission that can cover this kind of problem.

A2. If you want to have a 100% guarantee for the work done, make a written contract, notarized, describe all the procedures in detail. All this extra work will take time and money orders of magnitude more than the job itself. Still, a situation may arise when the customer will claim that the work done does not comply withthe terms of reference. Finding an adequate customer and contractor is a problem in any business.

Arkadii Zagorulko:

It's understandable. Well, it's not very pleasant to be the last man standing in this situation either.

If there was a customer who didn't like my work, that would be fine.

Perhaps it is worth raising a commission, which could cover this kind of problems.

Please do not let this situation slide, for the money I give the most valuable thing a man has - time.

And to avoid something like this, you need to check incoming payments more carefully.
And if there is a deadline for checking the payment for Freelancer and it has expired, then the funds must be paid to Freelancer for the work done.
It is for these guarantees and this service that Freelancers pay a commission to the site, agree to some deadlines for checking payments, to some rules.

Andrii Medvediev:

And in order to avoid this, incoming payments should be checked more carefully.
And if there is a payment verification period for the Freelancer and it has expired, then the funds should be paid to the Freelancer for the work done.
It is for these guarantees and this service, Freelancers pay a commission to the site, agree to some payment verification deadlines, to some rules.

Yes, 7 days for the customer and 7 days for the contractor, 14 days in total. That's justice... :)


I'm not a lawyer, but I think payment for services is made from the service's wallet.

Before the payment is made, the wallet has to be topped up.

In this case, you can only challenge the "replenishment of the wallet" but not the "provision of code writing services" paid from the wallet.

In general, if the wallet status is converted into the service's internal currency, i.e. the person bought the bonuses. Further spending of bonuses does not fall under the jurisdiction of spending money.

I could be wrong, but I think that documentation is our everything, all sorts of agreements, "I accept the risks of spending bonuses" and so on before spending money from the wallet, can solve a lot of problems.