Has the time for freezing funds changed? - page 3

Aleksei Beliakov:

where is the example? how many days is it reduced by?

If you work with the above resource, I don't think you need examples.
We're not discussing how it's done elsewhere, but how it's done here.
And I think I'm not the only one who would like an answer to this question in this thread.

Andrii Medvediev:

If you work with the above resource, I don't think you need examples.
We're not discussing how it's done elsewhere, but how it's done here.
And I think I'm not the only one who would like an answer to the question posed in this thread.

so i'm asking when was it?


Fellow developers. Answer, please, what is the endgame here. Are these the new Freelance rules?

Do they apply to everyone or are they outliers?

I see your problems started back in June. But a week ago I was safely withdrawing money under the old rules.

And today I came in and saw that the freeze on the last closed projects has been extended.

The interesting thing is that the Metakwots are keeping quiet.
Elena Baranova:

Fellow developers. Answer, please, what is the endgame here. Are these the new Freelance rules?

Do they apply to everyone or are they outliers?

I see your problems started back in June. But a week ago I was safely withdrawing money under the old rules.

And today I came in and saw that the freeze on the last closed projects has been extended.

I guess that's everyone's problem.


It turns out that it all started two weeks ago and there is still silence from Meta Quates. This situation is a bit tense.

Has anyone already withdrawn money after 14 days of freezing? No problems?

Looked at the rules, it's already been fixed for 2 weeks. Sad )

This is an outrage! The methinks are getting out of hand.

This happens when a company's financial situation deteriorates.
This happens when a company's financial situation deteriorates.

No, it's not a fact, it has nothing to do with that.