About the coin - page 7

Didn't you guys go to school?

It's the series that I'm talking about.

Explain to me the lapdog why one throw = randomness and a series of throws: (randomness + randomness.... + randomness ) = does not equal randomness ?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Explain to me lapdog why one throw = randomness and a series of throws: (randomness + randomness.... + randomness ) = does not equal randomness ?

By Lyapunov's theorem.


You don't bet on whether your coin will go heads or tails, that's useless and really impossible to win, but on the fact that in a SERIES of a hundred rolls, about 40-45% will be tails, and out of 50-100 such SERIES, a SERIES that has 40-45 rolls will be tails TARGETED to 90-95%.

Your coin is false)
Doctor's busy at the moment) making notes in patient files: "No mental illness. Just stupid." )

Is stupidity a congenital, acquired, acquired or contrived pathology?


put Not on whether you get a coin to flip heads or tails, that's useless and really impossible to win, but on that in a SERIES of one hundred rolls, about 40-45% will be tails, and of 50-100 such SERIES, SERIES WHICH have 40-45 rolls will be tails STRENGTH к 90-95%.

"Genius!" (sarcasm).

You have to bet on something to be about and the other to strive for......

You won't believe it, but even randomness has a pattern. It's called the law of large numbers.

Gas laws.



You have to bet on something being about, and the other to strive for......

In simple words, it's the total bet on the very persistence of randomness. But in the real market there are nuances. Because the market is HSG and not HSG at the same time. By having a leptokurtosis distribution, two random processes independent of each other and within themselves are included.
But that's another story...
There's nothing genius about it, just the aggregate probability of WBCs, that's all.