About the coin - page 5


I'll explain for the last time - a random walk is a numerical series which, by definition, has no law and order in it. There are none at all.

Therefore, you can only make money from it by chance.


I'll explain for the last time - a random walk is a number series that by definition has NO LAWS. There are none at all.

Therefore, you can only make money on it by chance.

But what about the histogram of the sufferer, with the most obvious profit?


Not even that - they exist, but in practice they cannot be used to make a profit.

The theory of large numbers says that the MO of flipping a coin is zero, BUT ONLY ON A SELECTIVE STARTING TO ETERNITY. If you have an infinite deposit and infinite time - you could theoretically make a profit.


What about the histogram of the sufferer, with the most obvious profit?

Concrete realisation.

Once again - you have a perfect coin and you think that by betting on the eagle you will make a profit because it's your genius trading strategy.

You flip a hundred times, 60/40 and you're in the money.

Another hundred times, 51/49, and you're in the money.

One more time, 72/18, and you're in the money.

You come to the form, throw out the results and write - "but what about these three bar graphs with the most obvious profit?"


Everyone on the forum starts laughing at your "genius strategy", and you write - I've won three times in a row, it can't be by chance!


Specific implementation.

Once again, you have the perfect coin and you think that by betting on eagle you will make a profit because it is your genius trading strategy.

You flip a hundred times, 60/40 and you're in the money.

Another hundred times, 51/49, and you're in the money.

One more time, 72/18, and you're in the money.

You come to the form, throw out the results and write - "but what about these three histograms with the most obvious profit"?

I offered that sufferer to post detailed studies. So far he's not saying anything... Probably, he is perplexed and wants to delete his post. I published it here on purpose.

We wait...


Everyone on the forum starts laughing with your "genius strategy", and you write - yes I won three times in a row, it can't be a fluke!

It's not my strategy, it's Wizard's! All I'm doing is bringing it to the hearts of those who are suffering...


I'll explain for the last time - a random walk is a numerical series which, by definition, has no law and order in it. There are none at all.

Therefore, you can only make money from it by chance.

You will not believe it, but even chance has a pattern. It is called the law of large numbers.
You won't believe it, but even randomness has a pattern. It's called the law of large numbers.

Bravo, Che! Hats off to you.

You wouldn't believe it, but even randomness has a pattern. It's called the law of large numbers.

Believe it.

I believe that some people don't have the brains to read all the posts before they write their own