About the coin - page 2

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And for someone else it's a sandwich falling butter down.

Good point.))) ++


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

About Coin

Dmitry Fedoseev, 2021.05.29 08:02

And for someone on a sandwich, falling oil down.

Was already there:

Igor Makanu:

was already there:

Now that's more progressive.)))

It's time to put oil on the coin, too) To test it out.

Igor Makanu:

was already there:

Techniques of the future - with the BLM winning)

I was thinking Metacoin would be introduced, there is mining capacity in the form of agents that are idle, we will mine Metacoins ))))

The lunatic Doctor keeps trying to bring up this provocative subject.

Tara, you too?


The lunatic Doctor keeps trying to bring up this provocative subject.

The Warmhearted Doctor is only trying to do his best to helpyou ingrates)


Tara, you too?

Matthias Day)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The kind-hearted doctor is only trying to do his best to helpyou ingrates)

Matthias Day)

Hmm... The aforementioned Doctor is not worth mentioning. He's a dullard... But you, Alexey, don't seem to belong to that category. Or is it just me?


Hmm... The aforementioned Doctor isn't worth mentioning. He's a dullard... But you, Alexey, don't seem to belong to that category. Or is it just me?

My advice to you - get full course of treatment by Doctor and don't listen to idiots who can only swear stupidly, utter pseudomnogoznachnye phrases, and post drawings of ratchet).

When you go into stable remission, politely ask Bas-Secret to teach you the basics of trading using MACD)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

My advice to you - take a full course of treatment from the Doctor and do not listen to the fools who can only swear stupidly, utter pseudomnogoznosimye phrases, and post drawings of a ratchet).

When in stable remission, politely ask Bas-Secret to teach you the basics of trading using MACD)

Well, what should I do with my state, then? Throw it away and forget about it?

Alexei, one more word about these fools and I will be forced to go back to insulting you specifically.