About the coin


Let's go back to flipping a coin.

The same initial position, the same momentum, it will fall in the same place and with the same side.

The only question is that the hand shook.
Let's put it this way - Something changes in relation to something

was border guard day a success ?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

was border guard day a success?

Yes, it did.

It's worth remembering that the coin is not infallible. If you look closely at its sides, you will notice that one of the sides has a little more metal on it (usually the stamped side). This means that the centre of gravity of the coin is displaced towards the stamped side, which means that the opposite side has a higher probability of falling out. From a practical point of view this probability is microscopic, but from a mathematical point of view it exists.
One thing to keep in mind is that the coin is not infallible. If you look closely at its sides, you can notice that one of them has a little more metal in the "pattern" (usually the stamped side). This means that the centre of gravity of the coin is displaced towards the stamped side, which means that the opposite side has a higher probability of falling out. From a practical point of view this probability is microscopic, but from a mathematical point of view it exists.

Just like a sandwich :)

No, there are stories that there are craftsmen who have learned how to flip a coin so that it always falls the right way. But I haven't seen it.
Алексей Тарабанов:

Let's go back to flipping a coin.

The same initial position, the same momentum, it will fall in the same place and with the same side.

There are already serious differences in the market from the coin. If we want to find a flaw in a coin and calculate it, as mathematicians did with roulette, then the market already has flaws and they are significant. Both in the stock market and in the forex market the differences seem to be fundamentally different, but in reality they are of the same nature. Of course it's difficult to describe in two words. When I am a little less lazy I will write an article about it, I think it will be interesting.

But yes, if the initial conditions of any process are the same and all the variables are taken into account, the result will be the same.
The difference is in the initial conditions set by the thrower. Can the thrower, as a living being, set the randomness? I don't think so, if you take into account the initial conditions and reproduce them, a human being like a machine will produce the same result.
We could do such a mental experiment. Suppose we can move in time and do not influence the shooter in any way. Then after obtaining the result (location and side of the coin) we return to the past before flipping the coin. This way the initial conditions will be identical for this organism. And it will produce the same result again. No matter how many times we go back in time to the moment of the flip, the person will give identical results time after time. His actions as an automaton are predetermined by the initial conditions and the state of the system as a whole.


What does a coin have to do with the market?

But a cat, unlike a coin, no matter how many times you toss it, always lands on one side, its feet.

The market is more like a cat than a coin.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

What does a coin have to do with the market?

But a cat, unlike a coin, no matter how many times you toss it, always lands on one side, its feet.

The market is more like a cat than a coin.)

And for some, it's like a sandwich falling butter down.