The future of the Forex industry - page 175

Evgeniy Chumakov:
It's amazing how Drimmer puddles his opponents... Who in 174 pages still haven't figured it out - to do the opposite you just have to not engage in an argument with him and ignore him.


Evgeniy Chumakov:
... one must simply not argue with him and ignore him.

Then Drimmer will seep into their minds and haunt them in their dreams, for example!


The employee should not have to demand anything, I have already written about this, but you still can't get rid of your fantasies. The point is that the minimum wage that ensures a decent standard of living should be determined by the state.

So what's up with that example?

Are you now abandoning your claim to profit?


The socialist is trying to cleverly dodge... but no... We'll nail him...

Now tell me what is the normal level you keep talking about?

You should get a free flat-car-medical-etc?

And who will pay for the banquet, hmm?


The point is that a minimum wage that ensures a decent standard of living should be determined by the state.

In fact, the minimum wage is determined by the state, isn't it?

It's just that some states can't afford to luxuriate and feed all the engineers well.



There are funds, social security and voluntary insurance, is there no way to do that?

And for alimony there are court orders, for example, and so on.

But this is not the main thing.

Do you think that all poor people are disabled?

The question wasn't about the disabled, it was about the poor.

Why are you again hitting sophisms and twisting?

The minimum depends on a number of factors and on the wealth of the country as a whole.

Maybe the country at this stage will not be able to provide well for all, have you thought about that?

Just divide the GDP by the entire population and see what you get.

For Russia it will be less than 30 thousand dollars a year, if I remember correctly.

And that is if you divide it evenly - which of course is wrong - because it does not take into account individual contribution and success.

And why do you want to increase the minimum level by increasing the burden for the richer? - What's the point? - By doing so you discourage the successful and encourage the loser poor.

If at this stage the ratio of productive forces and population is so, someone will have to bear with it...

Initially, everyone is on an equal footing (well, almost) in the sense that everyone has a certain set of abilities and talents.

It's just that some have managed to take advantage of it, some haven't.

It's only fair that those who managed to do something more valuable get more.

As for high taxes - yes there are such practices - but as you probably know the rich leave such jurisdictions for more favourable ones.

There is no point in doing that at all.

One becomes poor when the minimum wage in a country is low, when prices go up and wages don't go up. If a person works, he should not be poor.

Everyone is on an equal footing (well, almost) in the sense that everyone has some set of abilities and talents.

Someone just managed to take advantage of it, someone else didn't.

It is only fair that those who were able to do something more valuable would get more.

Again a set of platitudes that no one has ever challenged.

As for high taxes - yes there are such practices - but as you probably know the rich are leaving these jurisdictions for more favorable ones.

So ban it, re-registering offshore. Offshoring should be fought.


The employee should not have to claim anything...

Then Mr Khorosh publicly renounces his claim to the company's profits, right?

All he needs now is a raise in the minimum wage 😁

Only he didn't say exactly how much.

But obviously he is demanding that the rich pay through the tax system!

Here's the situation with the minimum wage for reference:


Aleksei Stepanenko:

A capitalist should pay more!

I'll tell you why :) Take monkeys, for example. What is the basis of male dominance? A big bicep? Correct. Big fangs? Correct. The ability to make scary faces? Also correct.

But there's another very important reason - it's the attitude of the females towards the alpha and the general mood of the pack. If all members of a pack love each other, stroke each other, comb out fleas, then any strange male will be shamefully ejected, most of all females.

And why replace their good, caring master with an unknown hto?

Now, an intelligent, calculating capitalist should, no, he is simply obligated to give his employees all sorts of bonuses that increase the importance of our employees compared to those, foreign, not our employees.

So that they always say while drinking a beer at the bar: "Our boss loves us, not like your bourgeois!"

That's the way!

This is the right way of discourse in a sensible economy and it is described by the Shapiro-Stiglitz model:

There are several explanations for why employers pay workers more wages than what the market dictates:

  • Preventing shirking. If there is a fixed rate of pay (where piecework or sales-based pay is not possible) - workers may have an incentive to 'slack off' - to work less than what is contractually due. In this case, the employer may increase the wage in the hope that it will make the employee more afraid of losing his job and make him more efficient.
  • Preventing employee turnover. An employee who is paid above the market level loses motivation to move to another job. Thus it is sometimes cheaper to pay more to an existing employee than to train a new one.
  • Improved selection. A firm that declares a higher wage in advance at the time of hiring can choose higher skilled workers from among all applicants.
  • Sociological theories. Sociologists tend to believe that increased wages may be motivated by a desire to increase the team spirit of the organisation, and consequently its productivity.
  • Nutrition theories. In developing countries, higher wages may improve the health and well-being of workers through improved nutrition and health care, and consequently their productivity.

Then Mr Khorosh publicly renounces his claim to enterprise profits, right?

All he needs now is for the minimum wage to be raised 😁

Only he didn't say exactly how much.

But obviously he is demanding that the rich pay through the tax system!

Here's the situation with the minimum wage for reference:

supplementary information 😀

Are you reading my posts through the line? I wrote that the minimum should be raised by either a marginal coefficient or a progressive tax.


There are several explanations for why employers pay employees more than the wages the market dictates

The right thing to do is to trade money for responsibility. I give you money above the market - you are the one who intelligently manages all the problems in your job yourself. This is both capitalistic and social, exactly as much as you are prepared to take on all the headaches.


A person becomes poor when the minimum wage in the country is low, when prices go up and wages don't go up. If a person works, he should not be poor.

What about slackers and slackers?

Don't you realise that they are the cause of their own downfall?

And there are countless intermediate states between the slackers and the really working ones, isn't it obvious?

As well as degrees of success.

Isn't it logical that the successful and valuable get more and the losers/babes get less?

The minimum wage prevents them from starving to death - that's enough - no more is needed.

From here on, they should be responsible for their own financial well-being.

So they should be banned from re-registering offshore. Offshore should be fought.

Ahaha... Typical STOP THE OFFSHORE! 😀😁😂 typical socialist...

You'll end up with an isolated economy that will degrade or have serious problems.

Isn't it obvious?

Capital and business really don't like restrictions.

When you increase the burden on business - it just starts working less in that territory.

Proven more than once.

There are no fools, though.