The future of the Forex industry - page 173


Left to my wife after divorce, I live alone in a 2k flat.

Sorry 😑😏

I don't associate, I just feel sorry for the disadvantaged who due to their circumstances have found themselves in a difficult life situation. I understand you are not familiar with the feeling of pity, that's why you don't understand.

Let's go into a little more detail here, please, and don't get angry, okay?

Why are they in a difficult situation, who's to blame?

I do not belong to the rich class, so I'm not in a position to give to charity. It's the state that should take care of the underprivileged.

Show me where I talked about equality. It's not possible in principle.

I have never lived off the books or on someone else's wages (unless you count childhood of course).

Why do you demand that a successful entrepreneur should feed those who cannot feed themselves?

And when you come to a factory in which you have not invested anything, but only sell your working hours under an employment contract, why do you consider yourself entitled to claim a profit, even if veiledly through a wage increase?

Aleksei Stepanenko:

I don't know what the doctor understood, I can't understand Renat.

Really, Renat, your posts are a riddle to me in terms of manner of presentation.

Chukchi riddles of Brazilian Indians 😀

I told you earlier there's a trader in a sect who subscribes to a guru.

This guru was also talking nonsense, but he swore about the Grail.

And the funny thing is that, as it usually happens in the beginning, he had a good time.

They even gave him some money from investors, then some anonymous noodles.

And then on April 15 this year Drimmer cursed the prophet and the system and on the same day the trading stopped with minuses.



Once upon a time there was an engineer, working in a factory, drawing all sorts of drawings, a normal good engineer, doing some good.

But the factory was not very successful and there was not much profit.

And then the engineer transferred to another plant, and it turned out to be much more successful, because the product of the plant is much more competitive than the first one.

And the engineer is doing exactly the same job.

But now he's demanding a pay rise for him because that factory has a big profit margin.




Look, once upon a time there was an engineer...

Now let's complicate the problem a bit 😏 There was an engineer who was working in a factory, drawing all sorts of drawings and getting paid 150 rubles.

Once upon a time there was an engineer who worked in a factory, drew all sorts of drawings, got a salary of 150 rubles.

But the factory was not very successful and his profit was not much, he worked almost for nothing.

Now a new management team is coming to the same plant, streamlining everything, and now the plant is turning out a new product.

Now it is no longer a zero profit, but many millions of profit.

And the engineer is doing exactly the same job, nothing has changed.

But now he is demanding a raise to 300 rubles, because this factory now has a big profit.


What do we say now?


It's completely impossible to understandRenat. And that's a good thing ).


Chukchi riddles of the Brazilian Indians 😀

Let's say it's still possible to withdraw all the money from the deposit with open trades. I think with a positive Equity it is possible, probably.

Here is the question: to have this Equity always positive. This question is still unanswered.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

The question here is: to have this Equity always positive. This question is still unanswered.

They say you have to make sacrifices all the time, but if you don't make them on any given day, the Equity drops immediately...


They say you have to make sacrifices all the time, and if you don't make them on a certain day, the equity drops immediately...

What's the sacrificial animal? A moose?


Sorry 😑😏

Let's pause here a bit more here, please, and don't get seething, ok?

Why are they in a difficult situation, who is to blame?

In that case why do you demand a successful entrepreneur to feed those who can't feed themselves?

And when you come to a factory in which you have not invested anything, but only sell your working hours under an employment contract, why do you think you have the right to claim a profit, even if it's just a veiled increase in salary?

Nobody. I have already written, don't you get it? For example: the main breadwinner in a family with five children died or became disabled. In a family with 3 children, there's a divorce, the father's hiding from child support. A child in the family becomes ill and needs a very expensive operation. A person has been in a car accident and has become disabled. The state should provide help in all of these cases.

I don't demand that the entrepreneur has to feed someone. They feed themselves by earning their own salary, but the minimum wage should not be at the beggarly level. The means to raise the minimum wage can come from the coefficient cap that I wrote about 10 years ago, or from a progressive tax system, like in Sweden, for example. Where rich people with incomes above 675,700 kronor pay a tax of 57%. Why do you think this is unacceptable for Russia when in some countries this has been working for a long time. The minimum wage level is high and there is virtually no significant contradiction in society.


If you don't make a move on any given day, equity drops immediately...

It's good if the equity only falls...

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What's the sacrificial animal? A moose?

If you slaughter elk all the time, there's no profit to be made ).