The future of the Forex industry - page 170

Andrei Trukhanovich:

somehow the word sublimation doesn't fit here)

I'd say it's the lack of it.

No one has ever offended Mr Isersky so much! 😁😂🤣


You're jealous of me again, fakopikcher...

not at all

if you think that something is a fake, it means that you can't do it too, for sure ;)))

a little more, and maybe by tomorrow I'll do 50% more, but by 15


Renat Akhtyamov:
not even a little bit

Everyone can see it, stop denying it... you even came running here just because of Drimmer...


Everyone can see it, stop denying it... you even came here just because of Drimmer...

Drimmer, don't fuck with me ;)))

Renat Akhtyamov:

and if something seems fake to you, it means that you can't do it either, for sure ;)))

a little more, and maybe by tomorrow I'll do 50% more, but by 15


That's an intense act of emotion you fake fake prophet 😀 I wonder how you feel about the depth of your life.

I wonder what you're feeling deep down realising your futility and powerlessness?

After all, we both know you're a leaker.

No offence taken!

Renat Akhtyamov:

Drimmer, don't compost ;)))

How can you compost something that doesn't exist?


How can you compost something that doesn't exist?


copy and read, at least you'll know what it is ;)

Google it.

Judging by the way you defend the super-rich, I think wealth is your life's goal and you are unable to understand that for many people it is not. So you label everyone who doesn't share your life goals as an envious person.

And what is there to envy - your moral squalor? Personally, my main interest in life has always been interesting and creative work. Once, for the sake of such work, I even moved to a new place with a pay cut. And if the salary was decent and sufficient for my family to live on, I would never have given up my professional job, as it happened in the nineties, when I had to go into trade business to earn a living so that my family could live on a reasonable level. This business, although it brought me material prosperity, never gave me moral satisfaction.

Not at all, I defend the very principle of capitalist meritocracy, where the best are better rewarded and I am quite happy with that, as well as with social inequality.

And my morals are up to par, unlike your socialist hypocritical duplicity, Mr. Chorosh.

We have already had the opportunity to see your deeply amoral principles shamefully disguised as supposedly just.

Renat Akhtyamov:


copy and read, at least you'll know what it is ;)

It's good that you feel sorry for yourself without a brain and tell yourself to copy... but that doesn't help you... everyone knows you're a fake.


It's good that you feel sorry for yourself without a brain and instruct yourself to copypaste... but that doesn't help you... everyone knows you're fake.

you didn't finish it there

i'm telling you google it, don't sweat it