The future of the Forex industry - page 133

Uladzimir Izerski:

Well you've made me laugh in particular.)))

If anyone hasn't understood you before, it's their understanding of the issue and their taste for understanding.

You will not be able to hide your sovietness and show you are a gentleman.

No matter how you spin it.

I'm not against speaking out about the beautiful life))). But the colors are smeared in the toilet ...

You're faking emotion, buddy, and everyone can see it...

And you project your soviet complexes onto me, you've completely lost your conscience.

It's clear to everyone that you, Vlad, are that very same scumbag who is fiercely envious of another level of being, unattainable for you - the Dreamer 😋

After all I've done for you, you ungrateful low quality scum...

Delete your account.


What does it mean? Can you say it in plain language? You are abusing all sorts of obscure terms and references to authorities. I understand that you want to show off your education. It's not a vice, of course. But you communicate with simple people and you will be better understood if you communicate with them in simple Russian. "The Russian language is rich and mighty" and you can always find suitable and understandable synonyms in it.

He wants to tell that Perelman has nothing to do with million thalers, he has not formed requirements for such sum, he is personality of another type, immersed into beauty of pure mathematics and used to live in quiet solitude, if put Perelman in luxury palace he would climb to the attic and sit there and enjoy his researches, and he even would not go down for dinner 😀.

And the warp tunnels are: Humanly traversable wormholes

Also: Wormhole calculus, replicas, and entropies


I have a hypothesis as to why he turned down the prize. He was encouraged to solve the problem by a mathematician from the USA. (I do not remember the last name). He, too, was struggling to solve it and had already made one correct step, but he could not proceed further to the goal. But Perelman found the right continuation and solved the problem completely. The committee did not take this fact into consideration and awarded the prize only to Perelman. Perelman, being a modest and scrupulous man, was afraid that some mathematicians might accuse him of self-interest and of misappropriating the prize to both of them, and he preferred not to award it at all.

From what I understand, Perelman was offended that his proof was questioned and tested at length...

But the case was really of monumental importance, because Perelman has proved in fact something more than the problem Poincaré had suffered from, and as they say just in passing so proved as a special case...

The financial sector, trust management and trading all represent an enclave of global post-industrial capitalism within the economy, or even above the economy, if one considers exchanges and the OTC market as a superstructure above it.

The logic is flawed, there is no convincing connection between the claims. Exchanges are interlinked, but rather strictly regulated. Above national things arise by oversight and are suppressed. And there is this assertion, usually collapse or deterioration happens on its own, without enemies. No competent action happened, and wotsss.

Неравенство теперь не только как пространственное региональное, или связанное с близостью к кормушке, не только социальное,
 но вообще качественное иное, в значительной степени обусловленное доступом к определённой информации или контактам, 
и способности работать с этой информацией в сети объединяющей людей, информационные системы, компании...

Inequality is a property of any set of unequal elements. Spermatozoa are not equal either. And it's the strongest of the BEST that reaches the target. And they may not be the strongest of all. It's the same in the world. The element of chance is rather unpredictable. Not a solvable task yet. Predicting the fate of a child from the age of 5.

Богатство и власть давно концентрируются в сети суперурбанизированных суперинформационных зон играющих в транснациональной 
экономике роль центров принятия решений, доминирующих и над обычной экономикой... и вот в ней формируются ещё более 
дистанцированная среда...

Новые типы неравенства представляют особый интерес поскольку они не укладываются в то как ранее понималось возникновение 

Новый тип глобализации плюёт на традиционные социальные страты и принципы отбора, теперь всё по другому, и хорошая 
идея может появиться теоретически у кого угодно, но нужны ещё и те кто донесут её до среды принятия решения... это важно...

Важно ещё и презентация продукта-сервиса само собой, без этого никак...

It's an illusion. There is no credible evidence. All evidence on new assumptions that cannot be credible. Nothing has changed for good. The means to move upwards is communication, bedding, power in its various forms. and even physical power. What's new is...

Появляется новый тип предпринимателя, или даже над-тип который не имеет чётко выраженной отраслевой специфики, 
но правильно коммуницирует...

Может быть обидно тем, кто долго и упорно учился, но в итоге его взяли только на второстепенные позиции 
(см историю Улада😁) но прикол в том что хотя образование важно, но намного важнее способность интуитивного 
понимания и оценки, некий набор мета-знаний, чтобы заранее предвидеть что будет адекватно а что сразу тлен...

Ещё более странно бывает видеть бедняг которые сидят в офисе фулл тайм и работают как черти, но в итоге 
зарабатывают меньше чем фин.коммуникаторы перемещающиеся между рекреационной зоной и экзекьютив этажами 
даже не будучи штатным сотрудником - но такова плата за способности, которые или есть или их нет... новый капитализм...

It's not a new type. It's about proper presentation, and it's always included strong communication. It's not news that there are hard workers, and those who without soap in any ass))) But that doesn't diminish their communication skills. Besides, it's a skill that has inherent data that can be developed. You can compare, and I think it would be appropriate with hearing. Someone has, And someone likes to listen) And proper communication makes it easier to manage.

Не говоря об бахгалтерах или уборщицах... и получается чем выше затраты труда - чем ниже оплата - такой вот парадокс...

That's a snap judgement. In private cases, yes. Burn centres could pay more.)

Произошло изменение конфигурации социальной стратификации, форма которой больше не определяется доминированием 
средних слоев (в РФ например говорят он вообще вымер?)

Сейчас можно сказать уже пост-информационный капитализм, когда данных так много, что нереально с ними 
справиться без доступа (иногда ограниченного) к специальным системам/методам или хорошей интуиции основанной на опыте...

The middle layer has never defined anything, it's an illusion. The middle layer has never been generalized, it is a layer of selfish individualists not in your good selfish sense)

And nothing has changed. There used to be access to education, now it's the same. And intuition has always been an important factor in luck and good decisions.

That's nothing new. At least there's something new out there in space...

Луковицеобразная стратификация сменяется стратификацией грушеподобной и теперь финтех/финсектор там будет наиболее 
выраженно присутствует в острие.

How long. it's a breakthrough, and it'll never last....

Ранее говорилось о искажении бимодальной стратификации, в которой мелкого бизнеса, частных профессионалов и 
квалифицированных рабочих, традиционно составлявшие средний слой, теперь оказываются ниже среднего уровня доходов, 
и в экономически развитых странах они образовали парадоксальную группу новых бедных!

В противоположность привычному представлению о бедности новые бедные имеют все атрибуты нормального среднего слоя: 
работу, дающую средства для текущего потребления, жилье, возможность приобретения автомобиля и оплаты образования - но 
при этом люди ощущают себя нуждающимися и прилагают все больше усилий (например, беря кредиты и находя дополнительную 
работу), чтобы включаться в потребительскую гонку....

Schumpeter - the scrapping of the old business and today's way of life, china - heaven forbid you live in times of change...

Does the cosmos slow down the brain so much. So much knowledge, but the conclusions are where ....)))) Apparently there is a need for preventive maintenance at the factory)


What's this Baskak type bullshit?

Productivity is rising due to the introduction of mechanised production. But the level of involvement of the workforce is falling. Consequently, the purchasing power of the product from freed peeps is falling.


Don't be silly, smarty-pants))

You don't understand about the caretaker at all. Maybe in time you'll get smarter.)


The snarling bullheaded gopota (with the hairy avatar and in blatno-gopnik adidas) have ripped again - legitimately and inevitably... 😁

Well that's your fate here - to show up and squeal helplessly in anger...

I don't even care if you tear yourself in half...

You only burn because you're jealous of Drimmer and you're angry and everyone can see it 😀

And what is there to understand about the cleaner - he is an easily replaceable unit - a key value not creating - just like the hairy Adidas Ulad in life proper - and it is the realisation of his low value - both in current discourse and in life - that makes him so angry and makes him break off with swear words every time...

What he means to say is that Perelman has nothing to do with a million thalers, he has no needs for such amount, he is a different type of person, immersed in the beauty of pure mathematics and used to live in quiet solitude, if you put Perelman in a luxurious palace, he would climb to the attic and sit there and enjoy his studies, he would not even come down for dinner 😀.

And the warp tunnels are: Humanly traversable wormholes

Also: Wormhole calculus, replicas, and entropies

Perelman is awesome. And he's a real man. Smart guy. Yes and there are plenty of rich people living in the attic or floating in the submarine too. The percentage of creesy at the top is higher than at the bottom. Fewer people there, more money, but it doesn't save you from stress.)

If there were more perelmans like that, life would be better.

And what is there to understand about the cleaning lady - she is an easily replaceable unit - a key value not creating - just like the hairy Adidas Ulad in life proper - and it is the awareness of her low value - both in the current discourse and in life - that makes him so angry and makes him break off with swear words every time...

When you realise the value of a cleaner then you will be a good person. In the meantime, YOU are a pariah. Don't be surprised. Not everyone can say that.

Uladzimir Izerski:

What's this Baskak type bullshit?

Productivity is rising due to the introduction of mechanised production. But the level of involvement of the workforce is falling. Consequently, the purchasing power of the product from freed peeps is falling.


Don't be silly, smarty-pants))

In the states, in order to stimulate the development of production, money is sometimes just handed out to the population. Purchasing power grows and the rate of development of industries that produce goods for the population increases.