Help me learn how to program. - page 5

Tio Nisla:

What is there to gasify a puddle for?

Where do such phrases come from?

Falling under the table, banging my head against the tabletop))))

You have to type from under the table)))

Aleksandr Slavskii:

Where do such phrases come from?

I fall under the table, bang my head against the tabletop.)

You have to type from under the table)))

The man's experience is... obviously.

Alexey Viktorov:

Fedoseyev is right. You don't have to, and it takes some time to clean up the code the way you would like to. But you come to understand with time that you'd better write what you have done some time ago in a slightly different way. So every new code will be combed at first.

This is a fact.

Nikolay Mitrofanov:

This is a fact.

If you agree with this, then why do you object to the fact that a beginner needs to get results first, which is what Fedoseyev was talking about.

Alexey Viktorov:

If you agree with this, then why do you object to the fact that a beginner should first of all get a result, which is what Fedoseev was talking about.

I am not objecting, I am only in favour. Did you think I was against it? No, I am for it. Let them write at least something. Out of chaos, as you know, order is born. And so it is here. The more random strings are accumulated, the better the code will be. And they will learn to tidy up where it is needed.

Nikolay Mitrofanov:

I don't mind, I'm all for it. Did you think I was against it? No, I'm for it. Let them write something. Out of chaos, as you know, order is born. And so it is here. The more random strings are accumulated, the better the code will be. And you will learn to comb where it should be combed.

So here are your objections.

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Help me learn how to program.

Nikolay Mitrofanov, 2021.05.03 17:41

I think it's good that a person tries to understand everything and digs deeper.

By not paying attention to small things, the coder then gets in the habit of writing code in the wrong way. And then combing the code means double work and often not only for the author but for those who are still lucky to work with the code.

Why bother writing code when you can do it properly and write it well and understand the details?)

Your advice is... well... IMHO

Your advice is good for an experienced programmer (strongly self-confident) who can then clean up, because he or she knows where and what must be cleaned.

Alexey Viktorov:

So there's your objection.

Well, that too has its place. Not everyone likes to comb the code.

Some people learn it, some don't. Some want to get better, some always write "at least something".

That's life.

But I think it's better to learn how to do well right away. Why write anything when you can learn how to do it right and write it right away?))

Nikolay Mitrofanov:

Well, that has its place too. Not everyone likes to comb the code.

Some learn it, some don't. Some want to get better, some always write "at least something".

That's life.

But I think it's better to learn how to do well right away. Why write anything if you can learn how to do it right and write it right away?))

You can't write three lines at once. One line will have three mistakes.

Even an algorithm you thought up doesn't always turn out to be just what you need. It would be really hard work to "write" a code you have polished in your mind so that you could write it correctly in the editor the first time. What are you telling?

Nikolay Mitrofanov:

Well, that has its place too. Not everyone likes to comb the code.

Some learn it, some don't. Some want to get better, some always write "at least something".

That's life.

But I think it's better to learn how to do well right away. Why write anything when you can learn how to do it right and write it right away?))

Well, I have no right to stop you from going astray. Just think what a novice programmer can write if he/she is interested only in beauty and brevity of code... I think he/she will get bored quickly when writing code without seeing the result and quit this ungodly occupation.


What's also very funny is that everyone is getting so worked up - oh what a wrong code I wrote as a newbie... and everyone keeps telling me about it... instead of just writing it right... What an interesting paradox! So worried about him that they immediately forgot about him (or never remembered at all).

You can't get so worked up over three or five lines. You guys must be so productive that even a line of code is the greatest event for you?

Why doesn't anybody bother that I don't do anything at zero? I can answer for you, because it is beyond your understanding. Your pontifications are at a kindergarten level.

Look at yourself. You don't have an ounce of constructive, creative, or just work ethic. You are able to discuss only one and the same line of code, this topic about the for function is older than the forum itself, but you are still discussing it, still start new threads about it. By the way, I wrote about it in the article about arrays 8 years ago. But you're still discussing it... And the amazing thing is you're opening my eyes to the world. Amazing!