The great and terrible MT4 forever (or how to strategise a transition) - page 29

Vitaliy Kuznetsov:

MQL developers should be rightly proud that their products are TOP. As long as a trader chooses between MT4 and MT5, he is a customer of the company. But MT4 is not the tail of the lizard, without which the company will feel good, it is half of the lizard.

Is MT4 being shut down already?

There must be at least one good reason to switch MT4->MT5. I have several such reasons, and all of them are related to the fact that it gives more profit from trading.

I don't think you have any reason to switch to MT4->MT5. Only the desire.

I don't have one yet. I've been comfortable trading for quite a long time, wrote algorithms and products, created all conveniences for myself. As soon as I rewrite everything for MT5, I will switch. It's just a matter of time.

You write a lot of interesting articles and have a good understanding of programming, I have much to learn from you, thank you.


The question is not rhetorical. Take the Boston matrix - there are product-milking cows and there are product-stars.

The profits from the cows are invested in the stars.

2. As fxsaber said, you don't have to push for cow users to switch to star products. It's just that the old generations of users will stay on the cows and the new ones will move on to the new models.

3. Getting mql4 code to compile into mql5 is not a problem. But making it work with the same result is not always possible. Otherwise there would be no point in creating MT5.

1. Well, it is. Without a cow and a star, you won't have one.

2. the same is true. But I was suggesting that the old generation should be "gently retrained" to MT5

3. This happens in programming all the time. You write code without errors but it cannot work or is very slow. Then you change your approach and it seems to work faster. Then you invent something else. Then you fix bugs. Something is added, something has fallen off.) Anyway, you cannot guess but keep on moving towards cross-platform. Well, the MT4 code will be compiled on MT5 and it will not work with all the features. So, let it be written in MT5 compiler that some variables that were in MT4, should be used in MT5 for faster and better. The whole thing is in the help. Will an ordinary user feel the difference? 99% of traders will get defeated anyway, without any details.

Are they closing MT4 already?

Not really. They wrote that there will be no new functionality (or they didn't write it?).

Anyway, it's strange that moderators and some programmers praise MT4. This is fundamentally wrong. We should be proud of both terminals!

Really, we should write about MT5 advantages, but not about MT4. It would be strange if Hyundai manufacturers would write that solaris is rubbish and santa fe is top.

On the subject of terminal competition. It may have happened by accident, but there's a marketing ploy to choose products that belong to the same manufacturer. Laundry detergent and candy bars create competition in the market, even though the manufacturer is the same. This trick makes it possible to gather more consumers. With MT, this situation arose naturally, but the result is the same.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov:

In any case, it's strange that moderators and some programmers are criticising MT4. This is fundamentally wrong. We should be proud of both terminals!

Indeed, you should write about the advantages of MT5, but not praise MT4. It would be strange if Hyundai manufacturers would write that solaris is rubbish and santa fe is top.

On the subject of terminal competition. It may have been an accident of course, but there is a marketing ploy to choose products that belong to the same manufacturer. Laundry detergent and candy bars create competition in the market, even though the manufacturer is the same. This trick makes it possible to gather more consumers. MT has created this situation naturally, but the result is the same.

I agree.

Is MT4 already being closed down?

Individual moderators are scolding him heavily: Outdated...


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The Great and Powerful MT4 Forever (or how to build your migration strategy)

fxsaber, 2021.05.05 02:04

Run this code on an empty demo account and make sure to open two positions after a few seconds.

Clearly such code on MT4 will not cause position reversal. But not on MT5.

A small analyzer.

Проверка на наличие дублей ордеров/позиций в MT5
Проверка на наличие дублей ордеров/позиций в MT5
Появление дублей ордеров/позиций в MT5 - архитектурная особенность платформы, с которой многие сталкиваются. Данная неприятность вызывает серьезные перекосы в торговых рисках, ломает логику, усложняет
Vitaliy Kuznetsov:


A small map was presented in my first post. In a nutshell, we need to improve the MT4 programming language to the level of MT5 Light so that eventually all code will be cross-platform.


And in all seriousness...?

Here's the "Humor" thread

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And in all seriousness...?

The "Humor" thread is here.

You're trolling again? You know where the humor thread is, but you post it here anyway.

Or if you have specific suggestions on the merits of the issue, then write. If trolling, go to the humor thread.

Linux is evolving and getting better at running windows applications fully functional, not directly yet, but still.

Windows is evolving and is already building in full linux support.

This is an example from completely different developers.

And if you take winndows, each new version tries to support all the software written on older versions of winndows.

On the good side, it is MT5 that should understand MT4 programming language. Or at worst work with ex4.

However, I do not want to explain everything in a circle. Any suggestions - welcome

If MT5 supported the MT4 code then MT4 would have long gone. It would have been forgotten as MT3.
Rashid Umarov:
Read the news that MetaTrader 5 has surpassed MetaTrader 4 in popularity among brokers, so as not to be under any illusions

For practising algorithms on your fingers, manually, MT5 is difficult. MT4 is more convenient. Proximity to exchange settings does not affect the algorithms, but complicates the process of working out very much. Optimization and MO are not necessary for new algorithms and their testing. Tuning on MT5.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov:

In the best case scenario, it is MT5 that should understand the MT4 programming language. Or at worst work with ex4.

It would be like a virtual DOS session inside windows, or a virtual machine with Win3.11 running on ten.

This is going to be fun :-)))))