Experiment - page 106


Did Yusuf leak the account? No. Why didn't he? Because the PNB Functions, each separately, describe all imaginable and unimaginable natural or man-made regularities since the origin of the Universe. For all parameters Guru Yusuf has found perfect formulas.

As Guru Yusuf said, his teachings are familiar to all researchers on planet Earth, for they have been published in all the major languages of the world, thanks to the efforts of Metakwots, honour and praise to them! Watch out for the twists and turns, Mr. Renat! Make jokes, but know who you're joking with! For you can't hide anything from the eye of Law P+H+B=1!

They catch any logic and produce the desired result. This is fantastic and words cannot express it (Guru Yusuf, Charles Doe Theory, page 7)

Praise be to Michael, a complete stranger to me, a member of the forum, the first person in the world to have grasped the PNB theory of the universe in its entirety! No one believed me and now there is a person who has fully mastered the idea of PNB and believed, independently of me, in the power and might of PNB. I recommend other members of the forum to follow his example and see for themselves the correctness of the PNB theory. Soon all opponents will be overthrown by undeniable facts and, now I am sure, it will happen until my last days of life, which I doubted until now. Now the experts in other fields of science and technology, social sphere and other spheres, where there are also facts of superiority of PNB over all existing theories since the emergence of the reasonable man, will stand up in defence of PNB.

О! Did I miss the entry to Great Master Yusuf, Charles Doe and page number 7? Come on followers, come on! And a manner of speaking his mind like the Guru. That's what the power of the PNB does =)
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Glory to Michael, completely unfamiliar to me, a member of the forum, who was the first person in the world to comprehend the PNB theory of the universe in full! No one believed me and now there is a person who has fully mastered the PNB idea and believed, independently of me, in the power and might of PNB. I recommend other members of the forum to follow his example and see for themselves the correctness of the PNB theory.

You haven't even shown how much he has managed to drain in a couple of hours.
Aleksei Stepanenko:
Oh! Did I miss the entry to Great Master Yusuf, Charles Doe and page number 7? Come on followers, come on! And a manner of speaking his mind like the Guru's. That's what the power of PNB does =)
A student will get an A from his lecturer, or for a bubble. But something is not clear here, a fact.
Both are leaking and both are happy about it.
One of them is even trying to threaten ;)
Aleksei Stepanenko:
Oh! Did I miss the entry to Great Master Yusuf, Charles Doe and page number 7? Come on followers, come on! And a manner of speaking his mind like the Guru's. That's what the power of the PNB does =)

I doubt anything new has happened, imho history repeats itself and has long been written - "The Cuckoo and the Cock" a fable by Krylov )))


I have no desire to use a tester from MQL, and the MQL language needs to be sorted out, I just don't have time for it. And a tester written in Python you wouldn't believe. So - real-time trading.

Have you written your tester? Is it universal, or only for a specific strategy? Is it optimised?
Igor Makanu:

I doubt that anything new has happened, imho history repeats itself and has long been written - "The Cuckoo and the Cock" a fable by Krylov )))

Your right not only to disbelieve me, but also a complete stranger to me.

Have you written your own tester? Is it universal, or only for a specific strategy? Is it optimised?
A tester is an oversized word. It is just a simple script that can run with one or another trading algorithm based on the available quote history and record trades and their results.
A tester is a bit of a mouthful. Just a simple script that can run with one or another trading algorithm based on the available quote history, and record trades and their results.
Have you used any ready-made libraries?
Did you use any pre-made libraries?

Pure Python (particularly datetime) + NumPy