Experiment - page 10


Don't forget to top up your account on time.


This is a requirement of UPU owners.


I understood what the author wanted to say - he should have inverted the deals and then there would be the Grail - just not to show off to the Chekists and Freemasons on the monitor inversion of deals is not made - so everyone thought that this is a fog and the Grail is not - but the Grail is there:


Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

This is a requirement of the UPU owners.

So they're the ones draining your deposit?

That's how it is!


Так это они слисают ваш депозит?

Вон оно как!

So that's it! 🤣😄😆


And in general I am impressed, really, I haven't seen it anywhere, Yusuf is undoubtedly the most original prophet, I still don't understand anything in PNB and where those formulas with integrals came from, but it looks like a real religious scripture, with signs of mystic dogmatism as it should be in religions, namely: lack of possibility of falsifiability, belief in supernatural forces, i.e. forces superior to ordinary reason, and ordinary reason according to the prophet Yusuf cannot defeat the market, but PNB can, hence PNB is super-rational knowledge, there are also elements of cult and worship of PNB principles, hymns and exclamations,the desire to align one's actions with the demands of the unconditional beginning/principle of PNB, the transcendence of PNB to observable reality, but as in Christian Hesychasm or Neoplatonism suggests the possibility of interacting with manifestations of the divine primary/principle for profit-making purposes, and in this sense the teachings of Prophet Yusuf echo the logic of hermeticists, alchemists and Kabbalists who also believed that it was possible to exploit the divine spirit/principle, among other things one can note the obvious syncretism of the doctrine, however with monocentrism, it seems that a kind of soteriology is also preached in the cult in the form of the hope of saving the deposit and making a profit, and like in many new age movements a fundamental transition to a new age/eon is declared (see Prophet Yusuf's statement "A new era in trading has begun, Gentlemen!") is actually awesome.


And in general I am impressed, really, I haven't seen it anywhere, Yusuf is undoubtedly the most original prophet, though I don't understand anything in PNB and where those formulas with integrals came from, but it looks like a real religious scripture, with signs of mystic dogmatism as it should be in religions, namely: lack of possibility of falsifiability, belief in supernatural forces, i.e. forces superior to ordinary reason, and ordinary reason according to the prophet Yusuf cannot defeat the market, but PNB can, hence PNB is super-rational knowledge, there are also elements of cult and worship of PNB principles, hymns and exclamations,the desire to align one's actions with the demands of the unconditional beginning/principle of PNB, the transcendence of PNB to observable reality, but as in Christian Hesychasm or Neoplatonism suggests the possibility of interacting with manifestations of the divine primary/principle for profit-making purposes, and in this sense the teachings of Prophet Yusuf echo the logic of hermeticists, alchemists and Kabbalists who also believed that it was possible to exploit the divine spirit/principle, among other things one can note the obvious syncretism of the doctrine, however with monocentrism, it seems that a kind of soteriology is also preached in the cult in the form of the hope of saving the deposit and making a profit, and like in many new age movements a fundamental transition to a new age/eon is declared (see Prophet Yusuf's statement "A new era in trading has begun, Gentlemen!"), is actually awesome.

Thanks for the kind words and lofty thoughts. They should be an impetus for the rest of the traders to seriously explore the divine functions of nature in pursuit of harnessing the power of the forex market for the good of all mankind. PNBs are capable of doing the same in all fields of science and technology and will enable a giant leap in all fields of human endeavour. I thought that, in my lifetime, I would not witness that at least someone would understand and master PNB. Fortunately, this has happened and such people as you will become the majority, as this is inevitable on the way of progress. In this field scientists should defend hundreds and thousands of doctoral theses and establish PNB as a science of laws of nature.

Within the limits of this experiment PNB has already shown its power and strength by controlling, simultaneously, all Forex instruments, which allowed revealing the peculiarity of such a trading strategy, when funds are not depressed due to the absence of stressful situations on the background of the huge volatility of individual instruments, there is an automatic locking of all positions with a gradual "unlocking", if one can say so. Both declines and increases in the general market sentiment of the PNB take their time to turn into profits for the trader. I think traders will now adopt a similar style of trading. I wish profits to all.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Thank you for your kind words and lofty thoughts. They should be an impetus for other traders to seriously explore the divine functions of nature in an effort to harness the power of the forex market for the good of all mankind. PNBs are capable of doing the same in all fields of science and technology and will enable a giant leap in all fields of human endeavour. I thought that, in my lifetime, I would not witness that at least someone would understand and master PNB. Fortunately, this has happened and such people as you will become the majority, as this is inevitable on the way of progress.On this field scientists should defend hundreds and thousands of doctoral theses and establish PNB as a science of the laws of nature.

Within the limits of this experiment PNB has already shown its power and strength by controlling, simultaneously, all Forex instruments, which allowed revealing the peculiarity of such a trading strategy, when funds are not depressed due to the absence of stressful situations on the background of the huge volatility of individual instruments, there is an automatic locking of all positions with a gradual "unlocking", if one can say so. Both declines and increases in the general market sentiment of the PNB take their time to turn into profits for the trader. I think traders will now adopt a similar style of trading. I wish profits to everyone.

Hail to the exponent! Hail to the differentiation!

Praise to Gamma Fonts!


Hail to the exponent! Glory to the differentiation!

Glory to the gamma-functions too!

... Hail to the creator of the PNB, Yusuf!

