My brain is boiling. Need a cheat sheet. - page 8


The strategy tester log file was viewed . I did not look at the terminal log file. What about "the required rate is not even transmitted" can you elaborate?

20210412.log Market execution, today's trades:

0 04:17:53.753 '93168522': order sell market 49.90 XAUUSD sl: 1745.78 tp: 1735.78see, here we have volume 49.90 but no rate
0 04:18:03.298 '93168522': order was opened : #111674855 sell 49.90 XAUUSD at 1740.78 sl: 1745.78 tp: 1735.78 opening rate 1740.78 assigned by
0 04:23:05.060 '93168522': close order #111674855 sell 49.90 XAUUSD at 1740.78 sl: 1745.78 tp: 1735.78 at price 0.00 here the closing rate is supposedly set, but zero. The current exchange rate value at the time of sending the request is hidden
0 04:23:05.720 '93168522': order #111674855 sell 49.90 XAUUSD at 1740.78 sl: 1745.78 tp: 1735.78 closed at price 1742.16 the closing rate 1742.16 is assigned by the server

20210412.log Instant Execution, today's trades:

0 00:05:19.167 '712656': instant order buy 0.02 EURUSD at 1.18952 sl: 1.18452 tp: 1.19452at 1.18952 - sent to the server the rate at which to execute the transaction opening
0 00:05:19.327 '712656': order was opened : #41496902 buy 0.02 EURUSD at 1.18952 sl: 1.18452 tp: 1.19452at 1.18952 the actual order (order) execution rate
0 00:05:19.777 Trades: use hosting service to speed up execution - 5.17 ms via 'MQL5 London LD4 08 (' instead of 72.34 ms not about trading, technological subtleties
0 00:17:28.182 '712656': close order #41496902 buy 0.02 EURUSD at 1.18952 sl: 1.18452 tp: 1.19452 at price 1.18946at price 1.18946 - the rate sent to the server at which the trade needs to be closed
0 00:17:28.362 '712656': order #41496902 buy 0.02 EURUSD at 1.18952 sl: 1.18452 tp: 1.19452 closed at price 1.18946closed at price 1.18946 - the rate at which the server actually executed the order

The actual Instant Execution rate can differ from the one specified in the request, but no more than by the slippage value specified in the same request. In particular, it is possible to specify 0. But this does not mean that in case of rate changes on the server, when slippage 0 is specified by client, the slippage will always be rejected (requote), the brokerage company has its own employee-defined slippage. Otherwise there would be too few trades. Usually the slippage specified by the brokerage company is larger than the one specified by the client.

The actual execution rate for MarketExecution is set by the server and is not even sent to the server in the order.

Both terminals are MT4.


I forgot to tell you. It's 1 a.m. I remembered. There's a lot of information. Let's go through it step by step. What does it mean when there is no rate...?
The opening rate 1740.78 was set by the server.
here the closing rate is supposedly set but zero. IT IS VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND.

the value of the current rate at the time of sending the request WHO SENT THE REQUEST ? hidden WHERE IS THE REQUEST ? why send the request if there is no price ?


I forgot to tell you. It's 1 a.m. I remembered. There's a lot of information. Let's go through it step by step. What does it mean when there is no rate...?
The opening rate 1740.78 was set by the server What other server?
here the closing rate is supposedly set but zero. IT IS VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND.

the value of the current rate at the moment of sending the request WHO SENT THE REQUEST ? hidden WHO SUCKS ? why send the request if there is no price ?

The log files of the terminal log the operation of the terminal. Specifically, the word order means sending a request (order) to the trade server. order buy - an order to buy. The same information can also be seen in the "Journal" tab including those not yet written to the log-file.

To the question "WHICH OTHER SERVER", I'm afraid I can't answer. Here you have to think yourself how the trade orders you send using the MT terminal can be executed. In particular, to whom they are sent and who actually executes them. I do not know what to recommend to read. All I will say is that Metaquotes prided itself on the fact that one of their MT5 trading servers can handle up to 10,000 accounts and that was a long time ago.

"why send a request if you don't have a price?"Here I agree with you, I always preferred Instant Execution. It is forbidden to trade without price tags in shops, but in retail forex you can. I wonder if in real forex you can? What I've heard about it is a "take 5 mio euros to the yen at 130.37" job on the phone - you can't. The fact that real interbank transactions are still often done over the phone, I read in a search for descriptions of the Bloomberg and Reitars terminals on which banks, hedge funds and investment companies operate. Do they even have Market Execution or is this invention only for retail forex, the solace of DCs? I do not know yet. I know that almost all brokerage companies have almost universal switching from Instant Execution to Market Execution in the period from 2008-2016, in my eyes. When the price is set by the server - what a sigh of relief from the owner of that server...


what is this? an exam?

if you are going to make a cheat sheet, then write one



The log files of the terminal log its operation. In particular, the word order means sending a request (order) to the trade server. order buy - order to buy. The same information is also visible in the "log" tab, including those not yet written to the log-file.

To the question "WHICH OTHER SERVER", I'm afraid I can't answer. Here you have to think yourself how the trade orders you send using the MT terminal can be executed. In particular, to whom they are sent and who actually executes them. I do not know what to recommend to read. All I will say is that Metaquotes prided itself on the fact that one of their MT5 trading servers can handle up to 10,000 accounts and that was a long time ago.

"why send a request if you don't have a price?"Here I agree with you, I always preferred Instant Execution. It is forbidden to trade without price tags in shops, but in retail forex you can. I wonder if in real forex you can? What I've heard about it is a "take 5 mio euros to the yen at 130.37" job on the phone - you can't. The fact that real interbank transactions are still often done over the phone, I read in a search for descriptions of the Bloomberg and Reitars terminals on which banks, hedge funds and investment companies operate. Do they even have Market Execution or is this invention only for retail forex, the solace of DCs? I do not know yet. What I know is that almost all brokerage companies switch from one market to another.


In the log-files of the terminal their operation is logged. In particular the word order means the sending of request (order) to the trading server. order buy - an order to buy. The same information can also be seen in the "Journal" tab including those not yet written to the log-file.

To the question "WHICH OTHER SERVER", I'm afraid I can't answer. Here you have to think yourself how the trade orders you send using the MT terminal can be executed. In particular, to whom they are sent and who actually executes them. I do not know what to recommend to read. All I will say is that Metaquotes prided itself on the fact that one of their MT5 trading servers can handle up to 10,000 accounts and that was a long time ago.

"why send a request if you don't have a price?"Here I agree with you, I always preferred Instant Execution. It is forbidden to trade without price tags in shops, but in retail forex you can. I wonder if in real forex you can? What I've heard about it is a "take 5 mio euros to the yen at 130.37" job on the phone - you can't. The fact that real interbank transactions are still often done over the phone, I read in a search for descriptions of the Bloomberg and Reitars terminals on which banks, hedge funds and investment companies operate. Do they even have Market Execution or is this invention only for retail forex, the solace of DCs? I do not know yet. I know that almost all brokerage companies have changed from Instant Execution to Market Execution in the period of 2008-2016, in my eyes. When the price is set by the server - what a sigh of relief from the owner of that server...

happened between 2008 and 2016, before my eyes. When the price is set by the server is what a sigh of relief from the owner of that server...

Instant Execution is on NANO accounts , Market Execution is on ECN accounts somewhere there is a video on the web ....There has to be a server where quotes from all over the world are streamed in.Do you think the staff that has access to the server can influence the quotes? At the same time, I would like to ask Renat - nobody makes you read forcibly, so why react so emotionally?


Instant Execution for NANO accounts, Market Execution for ECN accounts. ..There must be a server somewhere that receives quotes from all over the world.Do you think the staff that has access to the server can influence the quotes? I should also ask Renat, no one is forcing anyone to read it, so why react so emotionally?

No, there is no such server anywhere. Every retail forex dealer has the right to set quotes by themselves. And there is nowhere to take them from, each of the banks in the real, interbank forex market decides for itself what rate to buy or sell at. There are technologies of incomplete, cluster centralization - on contractual basis each bank sends, for example, to Bloomberg the rate of the next completed exchange transaction. Bloomberg aggregates the data and somehow unfolds the picture to Bloomberg's client banks. So does Reitars. Only their terminal is expensive, something like 20k USD a year I think. I do not know exactly, but I think not.

The trading terminal communicates with the server of this brokerage company.


Theoretically it is clear, but in practice, there would be terrible arbitrage in the form of reselling each other's currency. And if there is no terrible arbitrage, it means there is something in between. Let us hope so. Manually, when the trend was strong, I several times increased from $ 1 000 in a few months to the region of $ 20 000 but....As I thought it was a correction, I was buying more and more, I believed in continuation of it after correction.

In particular, we can set it to 0. But it does not mean that in case of changes of rate on the server when a client sets slippage 0 there will always be a rejection (requote), the brokerage company has its own slippage set by employees. Otherwise there would be too few trades. Usually the slippage set in the DC is larger than the one set by the clients.

Interesting! So the parameter "slippage" is not needed at all?


Theoretically it is clear, but in practice, there would be terrible arbitrage in the form of reselling each other's currency. And if there is no terrible arbitrage, it means there is something in between. Let us hope so. Manually, when the trend was strong, I several times increased from $ 1 000 in a few months to the region of $ 20 000 but....As I thought it was a correction, I was buying more and more, I believed in continuation of it after correction.

In particular, we can set it to 0. But it does not mean that in case of changes of rate on the server when a client sets slippage 0 there will always be a rejection (requote), the brokerage company has its own slippage set by employees. Otherwise there would be too few trades. Usually the slippage set in the DC is larger than the one set by the clients.

Interesting! So the parameter "slippage" is not needed at all?

I traded successfully for many years, setting the slippage to zero.

Oh, yeah?